




1.阿维兰热D议,因为在最终结果揭晓前一小时,巴西的老臣胡奥?阿维兰热Havelange)还一再强调索契会取得胜利。   原以为身体欠 …

2.胡奥·阿维兰热 〔巴西〕胡奥·阿维兰热( havelange,1916~) 〔法国〕儒勒斯·雷米特( jules rimet,18…

3.足联主席阿维兰热 Havel R. 哈非尔河 Havelange 哈非兰吉 Havelberg 哈非尔山 ...



1.The Honorary President, a title Havelange accepted from his last congress in Paris in 1998, gets a pension but FIFA won't say how much.阿维兰热在他离任之前的最后一次国际足联大会上获得了荣誉主席的称号,但他的退休金国际足联却秘而不宣。

2.FIFA President Joan Havelange said he hoped the 2002 World Cup would be staged in Asia.国际足球主席阿维兰热说他希望2002年世界杯将由一个亚洲国家承办。

3.Havelange built up the financial power that now gives FIFA a reserve account of $1. 2 bilpon.阿维兰热曾为国际足联筹建起12亿美元的财力储备。

4.The Economist contacted Mr Havelange's office in Rio de Janeiro regarding these matters, but he decpned to speak to us.本刊联系了阿维兰热在里约热内卢的办公室以询问相关事宜,但他拒绝向我们透露任何信息。

5.Johansson's Mr Clean campaign needled Havelange. How dare he call for independent investigations?约翰松的廉政运动让阿维兰热如坐针毡——他哪里敢要求进行独立审查?

6.Mr Havelange has not responded to the BBC's allegations.阿维兰热则尚未对英广播公司的控告作出回应。

7.Havelange said japan did meet the conditions for staging World Cup.阿维兰热说日本符合举办世界杯的条件。

8.Havelange from the chair proposed that the rights for both 2002 and 2006 should go to the ISL and Leo Kirch consortium.阿维兰热以的主席身份提议说,2002和2006年世界杯的转播权应授予ISL和里奥·柯尔奇联合财团。

9.That appears to describe Mr Havelange, who is 95 and is FIFA's honorary president.这似乎在说阿维兰热,这位已经95岁的国际足联名誉主席。