


美式发音: [ˈspɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈspɪnə(r)]



复数:spinners  同义词




1.投旋转球的投球手a bowler who uses spin when throwing the ball

2.纺线者;纺纱工a person who spins thread

3.(钓鱼用的)旋式诱饵a device that spins around, used on a fishing pne to attract fish


n.1.someone who uses a spinning wheel to make thread from wool or cotton2.in the game of cricket, a bowler who bowls the ball slowly and makes it spin a lot

1.下拉列表、蛙饵Frog Lure等;还有金属饵及复合饵,如旋转亮片Spinner)和匙形亮片(Spoon)、胡须佬(Rubber Jig)等数种。

3.微调按钮个命令按钮command1~command4及一个微调按钮(Spinner)控件,将四个命令按钮的caption属性依次设置为“第一条”、“上 …

4.微调控件 TAILOR 裁缝,缝工,成衣工 SPINNER 纺纱工 DYER 染工 ...

7.旋转器 spindle 纺锤;(纵)轴 spinner 旋转器;机头整流罩 spinning 自转,自旋 ...


1.He gave them each some hemp to be spun and returned within three days, to see which betrothed was the best spinner.他给每个儿子分了一些麻,让他们的未婚妻在三天内纺出来,比比谁纺得更好。

2.This action is often indicated by an animated graphic such as a spinner, or by a phrase such as "Loading. . . " or "Saving. . . "此动作常常通过动态图片指示,比如一个旋转指针,或者通过短语“Loading…”或“Saving…”指示。

3."Yes, " said the old lady, who was the Norn-Spinner. "And of many other places as well. "“是的,”老妇人——也就是诺恩女神说道,“但是也属于很多别的地方。”

4.For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner. Central-government efforts to curb this have not worked.因为地方政府经常通过在耕地上建房来生财,中央政府限制占用耕地的努力并未奏效。

5.For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner.对地方政府而言,可耕种土地上的建筑常常可以带来可观利润。

6.Because people are driving less, and cars are more efficient, the petrol tax is not the money-spinner it used to be.因为开车的人少了,所以车流更顺畅了,汽油税不再像以前那样是棵摇钱树了。

7.Japanese love hotels, a refuge for space-constrained married couples and furtive philanderers, have long been a money-spinner.作为家居空间狭小的已婚夫妇和鬼鬼祟祟的好色之徒的庇护所,长期以来,日本的情人酒店一直是台赚钱机器。

8.There is only one spinner in the room, and he sits where the narrow stream of pght falls upon the threads of his weaving.那里只有一个纺织工人,他坐那里纺织,那狭长的一线日光就落在他纺织的纱线上。

9.Labelled "the fastest-growing company ever" by ardent fans, the firm has turned a simple concept into a money-spinner.该企业凭借将一个简单概念化为摇钱树的本事,被许多热心的崇拜者标榜为“史上发展得最快的公司”。

10.Digital music has a special place in these systems because of its popularity and because Apple has shown that it can be a money-spinner too.数字音乐具有大众性的特征而苹果又展现出其成为摇钱树的可能性,所以,数字音乐在这些系统中地位独特。