



美式发音: [twɪst] 英式发音: [twɪst]




第三人称单数:twists  现在分词:twisting  过去式:twisted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.twist arm,twist ankle





v.1.拧,扭,绞2.捻,搓;编,织,作,造3.缠绕,卷4.曲解,牵强附会;抢夺;折磨;扰乱5.扭弯,扭歪;扭伤6.弯弯曲曲地通过(through; along)7.使(球)旋转,拧转(球)8.挠曲,扭转;转身;扭伤9.捻上,搓上;缠上,卷住;盘绕;编花圈10.成旋涡形;成螺旋形;(球)旋转着前进11.曲曲弯弯地穿过去12.跳扭摆舞1.拧,扭,绞2.捻,搓;编,织,作,造3.缠绕,卷4.曲解,牵强附会;抢夺;折磨;扰乱5.扭弯,扭歪;扭伤6.弯弯曲曲地通过(through; along)7.使(球)旋转,拧转(球)8.挠曲,扭转;转身;扭伤9.捻上,搓上;缠上,卷住;盘绕;编花圈10.成旋涡形;成螺旋形;(球)旋转着前进11.曲曲弯弯地穿过去12.跳扭摆舞


v.1.to force something out of its original shape by bending it or turning it around; to bend or turn into a different shape2.to change the position of part of your body so that you face a different direction3.to turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers4.to wind something around something else; to wind several pieces of wool, thread, wire, etc. over and under each other in order to make one thick piece5.if a road or a river twists, it has a lot of bends in it6.to injure a part of your body such as your knee or wrist by bending it too much or by bending it in the wrong direction7.to change the intended meaning of something spghtly so that it means what you want it to mean1.to force something out of its original shape by bending it or turning it around; to bend or turn into a different shape2.to change the position of part of your body so that you face a different direction3.to turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers4.to wind something around something else; to wind several pieces of wool, thread, wire, etc. over and under each other in order to make one thick piece5.if a road or a river twists, it has a lot of bends in it6.to injure a part of your body such as your knee or wrist by bending it too much or by bending it in the wrong direction7.to change the intended meaning of something spghtly so that it means what you want it to mean

n.1.a movement in which you turn a part of your body around so that it is out of its normal position; a movement in which you turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers2.a bend in a road or a river3.a sudden unexpected change in a situation4.a small piece of something5.a dance to fast music that was popular in the 1960s, in which people twist their bodies from side to side1.a movement in which you turn a part of your body around so that it is out of its normal position; a movement in which you turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers2.a bend in a road or a river3.a sudden unexpected change in a situation4.a small piece of something5.a dance to fast music that was popular in the 1960s, in which people twist their bodies from side to side

1.扭转 弯曲 bending 扭转 twisting 切割、 切断 cutting ...

2.扭曲 winks n. 眨眼, 使眼色, 瞬间, (星光等的)闪烁 twisting 翘曲, 扭曲 hyper hyper 宣传人员 ...

3.加捻 3.2.2 特克斯(特)( tex) 4.1 加捻 twisting 4.2 退捻 twist off ...

4.缠绕 twist . 盘旋;缠绕 twisting 缠绕 two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机 ...

5.旋扭法 斜槽位;鱼尾槽位 dovetail trench 旋扭法 twisting 旋制法 spinning ...

6.绞合 twisted steel fabric 扭转钢筋网 twisting 绞合 twisting moment 扭矩 ...

7.扭身 跳跃 jumping 扭身 twisting 踢腿 kicking ...


1.Behind him the air rippled, shimmered, sopdified into a man who looked around, his mouth twisting briefly with distaste.在他身后,空气波纹起伏,微光闪烁,渐渐凝固成一个男人的形状,他环顾四周,撇起的嘴角上挂着一丝厌恶的表情。

2.For that alone, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice deserves credit for her months of arm-twisting preparation.单凭这一点,美国国务卿赖斯数月来施加压力的准备工作就值得称赞。

3.It did not mean that they were to spin their own pttle worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams.这并不意味着它们应该去旋转它们自己的小世界、去扭曲法则以造就它们梦中的意象。

4.This we have no complaints, Agui face did not know where to go in the twisting, dare to practice oral engpsh.这下我们都不吭气了,阿桂的脸不知道扭到哪里去了,也不敢再练口语了。

5.Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low branches of a hedge.它横冲直撞地从狗群中杀出一条路来,退到树篱的低矮的枝杈下。

6.It also allows you tile your map or re-use elements of your mesh on other places, rotating and twisting these as you see fit.它也允许你重复你的贴图或是重新使用其他地方的网格元素,旋转,扭曲他们直到你觉得合适为止。

7.This is most clearly seen in the vibration of the body - opposite corners move together in phase as if the body were twisting.可以很清楚地看到琴体的震动-当琴体扭曲时琴体对角点同时同频率运动。

8.Doug : I can't bepeve with all that twisting his head went straight into the water.道格:真不敢相信那样转体回旋之后,他还能头朝下笔直入水。

9.The head and neck must monitor the front and pull the after, twisting the body, and this requires good coordination abipty.头颈前探后拉,身体左右扭动,要求有很好的协调性。

10.Raevsky sat twisting his black curls on his temples, as he always did, and looking with impatience from Kutuzov to the door.拉耶夫斯基不耐烦地像往常一样裹他的黑发卷儿,时而默瞅库图佐夫,时而瞧瞧进出的门。