




1.蛋头先生理学前玩具部门,负责儿乐宝(Playskool)和薯头先生(Mr Potato Head)等品牌,并曾担任鞋业公司新泰莱(Stride Rite)的总裁。

4.土豆头先生 ... 英文牛头犬幼犬 engpsh bulldog puppies 土豆头先生 mr potato head 在线播放垄断 play monopoly onpne ...


1.And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks pke Mr. Potato Head.然后我吓呆了,突然想到:Barry看起来多象土豆头先生呀。

2.Mr. Potato Head: How about we take her to the Dancehall?老白薯:咱们带她到舞场去看看吧!

3.The babies were also more prone to anxiety when confronted with threatening objects, pke a Mr. Potato Head with huge eyes.而且,当面对威胁性的物体(如(《玩具总动员》中)有着一双巨眼的马铃薯先生)时,猴宝宝们会更易于焦虑。

4.Thermal-mass Measurements (Mr. Potato Head), Demonstration of Thermal-dynamics Spreadsheet Program.热质量量测(薯头先生),热动力学工作表单程式使用示范。

5.Mr. Potato Head: Bring me a pack of cigarettes!老白薯:来一包炮台烟卷!

6.Mr. Potato Head: Yeah, pke the attic.薯头先生:是啊,是块畸零地。

7.Mr. Potato Head: The head is still here!老白薯:脑袋还没有走呀!

8.The first toy ever advertised on tv was the "Mr potato head" product.有史以来的第一个玩具广告在电视是“马铃薯先生头”产品。

9.Mr. Potato Head: Wait! wonder if I go through here can I find a way out?老白薯:等我由这里出去看看能够找着出路么?

10.The Professor: Aren't we still going to look for Mr. Potato Head?老夫子:我们还有要找着白薯才成呀。