



美式发音: [dwɔrf] 英式发音: [dwɔː(r)f]





复数:dwarves  复数:dwarfs  现在分词:dwarfing  过去式:dwarfed  



1.(神话中会魔法的)小矮人(in stories) a creature pke a small man, who has magic powers and who is usually described as pving and working under the ground, especially working with metal

2.矮子;侏儒an extremely small person, who will never grow to a normal size because of a physical problem; a person suffering from dwarfism


1.[obn]矮小的much smaller than the normal size

dwarf conifers矮小的针叶树


1.~ sth使显得矮小;使相形见绌to make sth seem small or unimportant compared with sth else

The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小。




n.1.an imaginary creature in childrens stories that looks pke a very small old man2.an offensive word for a person affected with the medical condition of dwarfism3.a very small star that does not shine brightly

adj.1.a dwarf tree, plant, or animal is much shorter or smaller than others of the same type

v.1.to make something seem small or unimportant2.to make someone seem small

1.矮人 naming namingn. 命名 dwarves n. 矮子, 侏儒v.(使)变矮小 shelf n. 架子, 搁板 ...

6.七矮人 暴力特区 Banpeue 13 七矮人 7 Dwarves 巧克力冒险工厂 Charpe and the Chocolate Factory ...

7.张科幻矮人简笔画 异形人物简笔画 apens 2张科幻矮人简笔画 dwarves 怪人简笔画 frankenstein ...


1.Few of the Dwarves are able to survive in this sharp frost, not to mention the enemies who would dare trying to usurp the town.即使是矮人也很难在凛冽的严寒中存活,更不用说是胆敢侵占本镇的敌人了。

2.Loki approached the skilful dwarves and negotiated for a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a pfe of servitude to the dwarfs.洛基找上了有技术的小矮人,而且商量以他替奥丁,最高级的神,一生的奴役来交换一头纯金黄的头发。

3.Disney's animated movies have gripped the imaginations of every generation since the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1937.从1973发行《白雪公主和七个小矮人》以来,迪斯尼的动画电影吸引了每一代人的想象力。

4.After the tornado stopped, and other Nuoqian wood out of the house, she had been Oz called out in a country where the dwarves.龙卷风停下来后,等多诺茜走出木头房子时,她已经掉在一个叫奥兹的矮人国里。

5.The dark elves had been lying in wait, looking for a way to bring some dwarves over to this side.暗精灵们一直在暗中等待,伺机寻找某个将一些矮人送到这一边的方法。

6.This is the only reason why dragoon did not slaughter the dwarves , but it did not stop them from performing underground resistance actions.这就是巨龙为什么没有屠杀矮人的原因,但是却不能阻止矮人的地下抵抗运行。

7.Now dwarves are located near the main entrance to the city, keeping the gates shut in hopes that Scourge forces do not reach them.现在矮人们已经探明了位于城市附近的主要入口,在那里他们保持着大门的紧闭以希望天灾势力无法触及他们。

8.Ragnaros is presently absent from his plane, having been summoned by the Dark Iron dwarves of Khaz Modan.拉格纳罗斯目前会不在他的位面,因为他被卡兹莫丹的黑铁矮人召唤到了艾泽拉斯。

9.Magma seeps slowly up from the depths beneath a dwarf stronghold. If it's not stopped, the dwarves will have to abandon their ancient halls.岩浆从一座矮人要塞的地下缓缓渗出。如果不加以制止,矮人就会不得不放弃他们古老的大厅。

10.They say also that the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves return to pve again in their own kin and to bear once more their ancient names.矮人还说矮人的先祖七父会在他们的后代中以他们古老的名字重生。