




1.紧随其后时,推出了自己的“南方稳健成长证券投资基金”,采用紧密跟随的策略Following closely),强调“我也是”的营销诉求,以期 …

4.紧密追随 ... 受管理的中继资料 managed metadata 相继 following closely;in succession 原始档案来源 Raw File source ...

6.紧跟在…后面 near;following closely 紧跟在…后面 He kept at my heels. 他紧紧跟着我。 ...

7.紧密跟踪节 市场跟随者策略 佟凌 000130306 1、紧密跟踪Following Closely) 2、有距离的跟踪 ( Following at a Distance) 3、有 …


1.He fed Golden fishes and look down to the end of water, following closely pelagic Golden fishes with his eyes and finding its places.他养金鱼,每天俯视水底,双眼紧跟着遨游的金鱼,寻踪觅影。

2.First, this article discusses origin of the theory of Tao and Qi, following closely elaborate the concept of Tao and Qi.本文首先探讨船山道器论之缘起,紧接著阐述道和器之概念。

3.The exchange is now the world's third largest metals exchange, following closely behind the exchanges in London and New York.现在上海金属交易所已成为世界第三大现在上海金属交易所已成为世界第三大世界金属交易所,金属交易所,紧随伦敦与纽约交易所之后。

4.I saw her walking on the sidewalk with her dog following closely behind.我看见她在人行道上散步,她的小狗紧紧跟在后面。

5.On your second question, we have noted relevant report and are following closely its development.第二个问题,我们注意到有关情况,也密切关注事态发展。

6.People are following closely the direction of China's development after the Beijing Olympic Games.现在,国际上很关注北京奥运会之后中国的走向。

7.Following closely on these economic changes came a breakup in the poptical foundations of the medieval world.跟随这些经济变革的,是中世纪社会的政治基础的瓦解。

8.following closely at my back.在我身后紧紧追随

9.Has changed the way our society develops. But its bright side should not keep us from following closely its dark side.改变了我们社会发展的方向,但它光明的一面不应该妨碍我们注意到它的阴暗的一面。

10.Following closely behind are Myanmar and Afghanistan, each ranking 1. 4 and each tremendously corrupt in its own way.紧随其后的缅甸与阿富汗,得分都是1.4分,以各自的方式沦为腐败巨壑。