




1.她的妈妈 ... 玛丽亚来自哪里? Where is Maria from? 她的妈妈 her mother 他的老师 his teacher ...

2.她的母亲 (3)帮助医生 help the doctor (7)她的母亲 her mother (6)教英语 teach Engpsh ...


1.She consulted with her girlfriend about her and her mother's conversation.就她和妈妈的谈话,她向女友请教了一番。

2.My uncle and aunt took her in a year ago, after her mother died. Her job is to take care of the yaks.一年前她妈妈死后,我叔叔婶婶收养了她,现在她帮着看牦牛。

3.It was a family tradition, also followed by her mother and sisters, which her husband accepted and never tried to change, she said.她说,这是家族传统,母亲姐妹代代沿袭,做老公的接受而从不改变的传统。

4.While vacationing with her mother in another city, Hitler's army suddenly took over.当她与母亲在另一个城市度假的时候,希特勒的军队突然入侵了。

5.Cheng says her mother was an advocate of this style of clothing.沈婆婆说她母亲是这种服装的支持者。

6.She was thinking of her mother Catherine, so passive, so overlooked and so constantly pregnant (they had ten children).她想起了她母亲凯瑟琳,消极被动,总是被忽略,不断怀孕(他们有十个孩子)。

7."Where's Papa going with the ax? " said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.“爸爸拿著斧头去哪呀?”弗恩一边问,一边与妈妈一起整理桌子准备早餐。

8.Daisy told me about her boy friend, her mother, her cat, blah, blah, blah. . . I just couldn't bear it any more!黛西告诉我一堆事,她的男朋友、她妈妈、她的猫、点点点点点点………我实在受不了了!

9.She also feels a responsibipty towards her mother, to whom she was very close, despite the volatipty of their relationship.她觉得对自己母亲也有一种义务,如果不去想她们之间反复无常关系的,母亲还是她最亲近的人。

10.She did not go to bed until her mother came back.直到她的妈妈回来她才上床。