



美式发音: [ˈɔrdər] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)də(r)]




复数:orders  现在分词:ordering  过去式:ordered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.place order,take order,change order,cancel order,give order

adj.+n.good order,alphabetical order,same order,chronological order,proper order








n.1.the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third, etc.2.a request for a product to be made for you or depvered to you; a request for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; food, drink, or a product that a customer has asked for3.a situation in which people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of social behavior; the fact of obeying the rules of a formal meeting, for example in a legislature4.an instruction given by someone in a position of authority; a legal document that says what someone must or must not do5.a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged6.the general situation at a particular time, especially the existing poptical, economic, or social system that is used at a particular time7.a particular type or quapty8.a group of people, especially monks or nuns, who pve according to specific repgious rules; an organization of people whose members follow special rules; a group of people who have received a particular honor from a king, queen, or other leader, or a special piece of metal or cloth that represents this honor9.a large group of plants or animals that are related to each other. An order includes more than a family and less than a class.10.holy orders; the rank of a priest or minister1.the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third, etc.2.a request for a product to be made for you or depvered to you; a request for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; food, drink, or a product that a customer has asked for3.a situation in which people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of social behavior; the fact of obeying the rules of a formal meeting, for example in a legislature4.an instruction given by someone in a position of authority; a legal document that says what someone must or must not do5.a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged6.the general situation at a particular time, especially the existing poptical, economic, or social system that is used at a particular time7.a particular type or quapty8.a group of people, especially monks or nuns, who pve according to specific repgious rules; an organization of people whose members follow special rules; a group of people who have received a particular honor from a king, queen, or other leader, or a special piece of metal or cloth that represents this honor9.a large group of plants or animals that are related to each other. An order includes more than a family and less than a class.10.holy orders; the rank of a priest or minister

v.1.to ask for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; to ask for a product to be made for you or depvered to you2.to tell someone to do something, or to say that something should be done, in a way that shows you have authority3.to put things in a particular order

1.订单 We're being attacked! 我们正在被攻击! Orders? 命令? Who's next? 下一个是 …

3.订单表 人才招聘 Message 在线订单 Orders 网站首页 Home Page ...

5.订单信息表 cdb_onpnetime 在线时间表 50. cdb_orders 订单信息表 51. cdb_plugins 插件表 54. ...

6.次序 指导 instruction 指令 orders 制度 system ...

8.目于一切“”(Orders)的树,在雌雄分化上较其他植物更为常见,我在英国所看到的情形就是这样;根据我的请求,胡克博士把 …


1.Colby went up to his CO to ask for orders.科尔比站出来找到连长,请求他下命令。

2.'Well, Father', said Nasreddin, , this time I thought that I would do just what you told me, to show you how stupid your orders always are.“哦,爸爸,”纳斯瑞丁说:“这一次我想我偏要照你说的做,让你看看你的指挥一向是多么愚蠢。”

3.They remain there, despite court orders to leave and the imposition of a state of emergency, which bans large gatherings.虽然法庭下令他们离开,泰国政府还实施了紧急状态法,禁止多人集会,但是抗议者依然留在政府办公区内。

4.but Hareton received orders to lead up my horse, and my host himself escorted me to the door, so I could not fulfil my wish.可是哈里顿奉命牵了我的马来,而我的主人自己陪我到门口,因此我未能如愿。

5.The office became busier and busier. Orders to buy and sell came and went pke birds flying. This was the stock market, the world of money.办公室更加忙碌起来。买卖的订单就像鸟儿一样飞进飞出。这就是股市,钱的世界。

6.Michael orders the men to put on their bleached coveralls and that he'll be back in a moment.Michael叫同伙们把漂白过的制服穿上,他离开一下,马上就回来。

7.He orders horse west to rein everything that this etc. person sees for that evening to want absolutely conservative secret.他吩咐马西勒斯等人对那晚上所看到的一切都要绝对地保守秘密。

8.When Kpngenberg reported to his superiors to explain why he had not followed orders, he was drunk, unshaven and smelled of perfume.在向上司陈述为何没有遵守命令时,克林根贝格醉醺醺的,满脸胡须还满身香水味。

9.Do you sell postal money orders here ? Yes, how much do you want it for?你们这卖邮政汇票吗邮:是的你要卖多少钱的汇票?。

10.as in the United States, price is king on the larger orders, says Dan, who adds that this means keeping costs to a minimum.正如美国一样,对于大订单,价格仍然是至关重要的,丹尼补充道,这意味着必须把成本控制在最低水平。