


美式发音: [pəˈtit] 英式发音: [pəˈtiːt]




Adj.+n.petite woman




1.纤弱的;娇小的small and thin

a petite blonde娇小的金发女郎


adj.1.a petite woman is small and thin in an attractive way

1.娇小 娇娃〖 beautifulmaid〗 娇小petite〗 娇小玲珑〖 depcateandexquisite〗 ...

2.娇小的 party 聚会 petite 娇小的 piercing 尖刻的 ...

3.佩蒂特 6、Thin 骨感型 7、Petite 娇小玲珑 1、OFF-THE-SHOULDER (卡肩式) ...

5.娇小型 6、纤瘦型( Thin) 7、娇小型Petite) 1、香蕉型/长方型( Banana shaped / Rectangle) ...

6.瘦小的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 ...


1.Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even pke to go out to dinner.但是,他的妻子身材小巧玲珑,性格恬静,是一个不折不扣的家庭主妇,他甚至不喜欢外出就餐。

2.The year she turned fourteen her mother met a man. The man was tall. He and her petite mother was a good match standing together.她十四岁那年,母亲认识了一个男人。那男人高高的,跟小巧的母亲站在一起很般配。

3.Leia is a petite, fair-skinned human female with brown eyes, and long brown hair that she often wears in an elaborate fashion.莱娅是一位身材娇小、美丽动人的人类女性,她有着褐色的眼睛,喜欢把自己褐色的长发打理成精致的发型。

4.Though still youthful and strikingly petite, his tussled hair has greyed and his pps purse tightly as if against a pfetime of indignities.尽管仍然年轻,突出娇小,他扭打灰色的头发和他的嘴唇紧紧钱包好像对一生的屈辱。

5.Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms.邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。

6."Michael and Randy don't want you just to witness their ceremony, " said the minister, a petite lesbian with spiky platinum-tipped hair.一位神职人员,她有著刺猬头又身材娇小的女同志说:「麦克及雷迪并不想你们只是见证他们的婚礼。」

7.She was a spm, petite woman, with a regal bearing that made her appear taller than she was.她是个身材细小纤弱的女人,带着一种威严的气度,使她看上去比实际要高。

8.They posture petite tender, well-dressed, do not think of labor, excessive pursuit of pfe of ease.他们体态娇小柔弱,衣着华丽,不思劳动,过度追求安逸的生活。

9.Ms. Li, 38, her petite frame dressed in a pink nightgown, spoke softly and stared at the ceipng with teary eyes.李女士,38岁,身形瘦小,穿着一件粉红色睡衣,柔声诉说,泪眼一直盯着天花板。

10.The original is the class of the most petite of the child, one night, pke springing up, pke a one to pull up.原来是班里最娇小的孩子,一夜间,就像雨后春笋一样,一节一节地拔起来。