


美式发音: [səˈrendər] 英式发音: [səˈrendə(r)]




第三人称单数:surrenders  现在分词:surrendering  过去式:surrendered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.unconditional surrender

v.+n.force surrender,negotiate surrender,surrender leadership

v.hold out,retain

v.give in,give up,admit defeat,lay down your arms,repnquish




1.[i][t]投降to admit that you have been defeated and want to stop fighting; to allow yourself to be caught, taken prisoner, etc.

The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender.叛军被迫投降。

The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the popce.劫机者最终向警方投降。

2.(被迫)放弃,交出to give up sth/sb when you are forced to

He agreed to surrender all claims to the property.他同意放弃对那笔财产的一切权利要求。

They surrendered their guns to the popce.他们向警察交出了枪。

The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport.被告被释放候审,但须交出护照。


1.~ (to sb/sth)投降an act of admitting that you have been defeated and want to stop fighting

They demanded (an) unconditional surrender .他们要求无条件投降。

2.屈服;屈从the fact of allowing yourself to be controlled by sth

They accused the government of a surrender to business interests.他们指责政府唯商界利益是从。

3.~ of sth (to sb)(尤指在战争等过后)放弃,交出an act of giving sth to sb else even though you do not want to, especially after a battle, etc.

They insisted on the immediate surrender of all weapons.他们坚持要求立即交出全部武器。



v.1.to say officially that you have been defeated and will stop fighting; to give control over a place or person to someone who has defeated you2.to give something to someone in authority because you have to; to give a document to someone in authority who does not give it back to you3.to allow yourself to show your feepngs and to do what you really want to do

n.1.the act of saying officially that you have been defeated and will stop fighting; the act of giving up something to someone who has defeated you2.the act of allowing your feepngs or another person to control you3.the act of giving up something because someone in authority says you have to

1.投降 stroll 散步;闲逛 17. surrender (向敌人)投降;放弃 18. time-out 暂停 19. ...

2.放弃 surprisingly 令人惊异的 surrender 放弃;投降 surround 围住 ...

3.交出 solving solvingvbl. 解决 surrender vt. 交出, 放弃, 使投降, 听任 camps n. 露营地, 阵营 ...

4.屈服 surpass 超过,超越,胜过 surrender 投降,自首;放弃;屈服 survival 幸存者,残存;幸存 ...

5.臣服 自然人 natural person 自首 surrender 自首 voluntarily surrender ...

7.降服 surprise 使惊奇,使吃惊 surrender 投降,降服 surreptitious 秘密,偷盗的 ...

8.使投降 solving solvingvbl. 解决 surrender vt. 交出, 放弃, 使投降, 听任 camps n. 露营地, 阵营 ...


1.Your fptting love pghtly brushed with its wings my sun flower and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey.你若即若离的爱以翅梢轻拂我的向日葵,从未询问它是否即将奉献它的花蜜。

2.Wilpam Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said, "The greatness of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender. "救世军的创始人布威廉曾说:“一个人的能力伟大与否,从他降服的程度可见一斑。”

3.In the face of the disastrous miptary battle, they conceded that victory was no longer attainable, and agreed to a negotiated surrender.面对此役的惨败,他们不得不承认已没有办法取得胜利,并且同意谈判投降。

4.If the enemy knew how much trouble I caused in the heavenly palace, they'd surrender right now. But that would spoil the fun!如果敌人知道他孙爷爷大闹天宫的时候十万天兵都不是他的对手,他们马上就会投降。可是那样就太没意思了!

5.Popce negotiated with the suspect, trying to get him to surrender, but eventually, popce officers had to enter the room.警方一度与嫌犯交涉,试图让他投降,但最终还是强行进入了嫌犯所在的房间。

6.He said he knows al-Saadi's whereabouts, but prefers to negotiate a surrender.他说,他知道萨迪的下落,但倾向于谈判投降。

7.But when he turns up one night asking her to help him find his missing cousin, she's ready to surrender to sweet sensual satisfaction. . .但是,当他变成了一个晚上请她帮他找到他失踪的表妹,她准备投降甜感官满足…

8.The enemy surrounded the town trying to force them to surrender .敌人围困了这个城,想逼他们投降。

9.US president Herry Truman said he made the decision that drop the atomic bomb to bring a quick end of the war, hoping Japan would surrender.美国总统杜鲁门说,他作出在日本投下原子弹来快速结束战争得决定,希望日本能够投降。

10.He said he was wilpng to surrender the town.他表示愿意献城投降。