




1.王经理 ... Four stars 四星级酒店 Manager Wang( 王经理) 46 Anting Road,Shanghai,China 上海市徐汇区安亭路46号 ...

2.业务王经理 ... 传真 FAX:86-22-86990758 业务王经理 Manager Wang:13821615889 业务魏经理 Manager Wei :13920659486 ...


1.General Manager Wang Guogang, with workers and staff, will be ready to cooperate with.总经理于国刚先生携全体员工愿与国内外有识之士精诚合作,共同发展,奔向美好未来!

2.Sales at the Laiwu Sheng Yuan Building Materials Co. have plunged 50 percent from a year earper, said general manager Wang Jian.总经理吴健WangJian说,莱芜的胜源建筑材料公司LaiwuShengYuanBuildingMaterialsCo.的销售已经从一年以前下降了50%。

3.General Manager Wang Zhaoming Chung-kai, all employees are welcome to visit throughout the old and new customers, for a better tomorrow.公司总经理王兆明偕全体员工,欢迎新老客户光临惠顾,共创美好明天。

4.No , help me to contract Manager Wang of quarantine department .不行,你帮我转一下三厂品管部经理梁新亚。

5.general manager Wang, is the office reception, you wait for the will.王总经理,正在办公室会客,您等待会吧。

6.Date Mining Group General Manager Wang Mingnan: ground dust prevention with napkin wiping without dust as the standard.枣矿集团公司总经理王明南要求:地面粉尘防治以餐巾纸擦拭无浮尘为标准。

7.Although it was closed for the winter, the manager, Wang Youqiang, was on duty.虽然已经接近冬天,但是砖厂的负责人王有强还在值班。

8.Our sales manager Wang in San Francisco during many of your help, very grateful.我们的销售部经理王先生在旧金山期间得到您的许多帮助,非常感谢。

9.June 7 th Deputy General Manager Wang Xianp attended the " Second International Symposium on China Securities Market " held in Shanghai .月7日,副总经理王献立赴上海参加“第二届中国证券市场国际研讨会”。

10.Appendix 1: interview cuhk chairman and general manager wang to new records error!附录一:采访中大公司董事长、总经理王来新记录错误!