




1.扎克(Zack) ... 约瑞科( Yorick) 札克( Zac) 阿卡莉( Akap) ...

3.高皓正 ... Vi( 六姊) Zac( 渣克) Zed( 劫) ...

7.醋氨己酸锌中国新药与临床杂志000518 [摘要]目的:观察醋氨己酸锌(ZAC)治疗幽门螺杆菌(Hp)阳性的十二指肠溃疡(DU)的疗效。


1.Zac Posen is one of my favorite designers, so being able to work with him was incredible. Diane von Furstenberg was huge.zacposen是我最爱的设计师之一,所以能和他合作像是一件很美妙的事。

2.In a recent interview, Vanessa spoke of their bond. And Zac said the pair's love was "exactly how it should be" .在最近的采访中凡妮莎还说到两人的恋情,扎克也说他们俩的感情是“就该是这样”。

3.This was to be hei last evening alone as Jeff, her former mater, would be returning Zac to her early in the moring.这是她在家独处的最后一个晚上,因为她的前夫杰夫会在早上把扎克送回来。

4.Juve staff urged Amauri to speed things up, but instead the player dragged his feet, much to Zac's frustration.尤文的工作人员生气的督促阿毛里快点去,而得到是阿毛里慢悠悠的拖延,这让扎切罗尼很不满。

5.As the case in many marriages these days, problems had arisen between lesley and Jeef, but they did not extend to Zac.与当时许多婚姻情况一样,莱斯利和杰夫之间出现了很多问题,但并未影响到扎克。

6.The couple agreement. It stated that each parent would share Zac's care every second weekend and this had been her weekend to be alone.他们达成了一个依法监督的协议,协议规定双亲每两个周末轮流照顾孩子,这是她独处的周末。

7.Zac told me that it would rain yesterday, but in actuapty it never did.萨克跟我说昨天会下雨,但事实上并没有。

8.Small children were running around - one of whom must have been Zac Goldsmith, the new local Conservative MP.一群小孩在院子里跑来跑去——其中有一个肯定是如今当地保守党议员扎克-戈德史密斯(ZacGoldsmith)。

9.With drive and motor integrated in this fashion, ZAC not only cuts down on the size of its controls cabinet.随着驱动器和电动机集成在这时尚,雅克?不仅降低了规模的控制柜。

10.In this case, Zac Stayton says, the fpes and beetles drawn to the plant are the victims of a vegetative con game.扎克•斯泰顿说,这时那些被它吸引而来的苍蝇和甲虫正是这株魔芋所设骗局的受害者。