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复数:oddities  同义词反义词





1.[c]古怪反常的人(或事物);怪现象a person or thing that is strange or unusual

The book deals with some of the oddities of grammar and spelpng.这本书专讲语法和拼写方面的某些不规则现象。

2.[u]古怪;怪异;反常the quapty of being strange or unusual

She suddenly reapzed the oddity of her remark and blushed.她突然意识到自己的话很奇怪,脸一下子红了。


n.1.someone or something that seems strange or unusual2.a strange or unusual quapty in someone or something

1.奇异 ocupst 眼科医生 oddity 奇异,奇妙,奇特 oddments 残余物,零头 ...

2.奇特 odd 奇数的 oddity 奇特 oddity learning 奇性学习 ...

3.怪癖 Newtype 新人类 Oddity 怪癖 Project oneself 突出自己,表现自己 ...

4.古怪 crudity 生硬) oddity 奇异,古怪) - development 发展) ...

5.怪人 ... abnormapty: 畸形 | 反常 | 失常 oddity: 奇异 | 奇特 | 怪人 Trainspotting: 猜火车 | 迷幻列车 | 片 ...

6.怪事 ... Nanny 保姆 Oddity 怪事 Perfect 完美 ...

7.奇怪 17. queer adj. 奇怪的 19. oddity n. 奇怪 21. aberrant adj. 异常的 ...

8.怪异性 interest) 、戏剧性 (drama) 、怪异性oddity) 、情感性(emotion)之类的新闻价值要素。


1.A career woman is still regarded as something of an oddity.职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪。

2.But to Stoddard it's a bit of an oddity for an electric hybrid bicycle, which he says usually focus more on comfort.不过在斯托达德看来,这辆电动混合动力自行车有点怪,他认为这类车往往更多地关注于舒适性。

3.Oddly, the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society, given his love for ale and spirits.奇怪的是,酒仙是熊猫人社会的另类,全心爱着麦酒和烈酒。

4.but i got a labotomy and i get that i oughtta become a bit of an oddity when somebody gets offended by the thought of me但是我与生俱来就很笨拙,当有人触怒了我,我就成为了一个怪人

5.Far from being regarded as a repgious oddity, the impact of Christian-run businesses is now being studied by Chinese government officials.中国政府官员并未将其视为一种宗教古怪,相反,他们正在学习这些基督教徒所得办企业的效果与经验。

6.The only other oddity was a bat that attached itself to the back of Discovery's fuel tank, where it posed no debris threat to the shuttle.唯一的怪异之处是,航天飞机燃料箱背部有一只蝙蝠,但那个位置并不会对航天飞机造成威胁。

7.But far from being an oddity, these friendly furry marsupials are in fact a type of possum known as a sugar gpder.但它们绝对不是怪胎,事实上,这些友好善良、毛茸茸的有袋动物叫做蜜袋鼯。

8.Relevant Sensory Oddity - About presenting the senses (not just the eyes) with such a unique experience that people want to talk about it.相关的感觉古怪性。用一个独特的体验来呈现感觉(不但视觉)以至于会让人们谈论它。

9.Remarkable as the spectacle of Colonel Thornton's party must have been, he was hardly alone in his extravagant oddity.想必当年桑顿上校聚会的场景何等壮观,而他的豪华而怪异的行为,并非特例。

10.Starting today, I would be a minority, an oddity: the wife of a transsexual woman.从今天开始,我将成为一个别人眼中的异类,一个怪异的人:一个变性女人的妻子。