



美式发音: [səɡˈdʒestʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [səˈdʒestʃ(ə)n]



复数:suggestions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make suggestion,accept suggestion,consider suggestion,offer suggestion,adopt suggestion

adj.+n.modest suggestion,clever suggestion,practical suggestion,helpful suggestion





n.1.an idea or plan that you offer for someone to consider; the act of suggesting something2.the possibipty that something is true, or evidence showing that something may be true3.the action of influencing someone to make a mental connection between one thing and another4.a small sign of something1.an idea or plan that you offer for someone to consider; the act of suggesting something2.the possibipty that something is true, or evidence showing that something may be true3.the action of influencing someone to make a mental connection between one thing and another4.a small sign of something

1.建议 18.Apologizing 道歉 19.Suggestions 建议 20.Sympathy,Consolation 同情、安慰 ...

2.意见、增补及决议等、该委员会对缔约国之国家报告所提出之意见suggestions)、一般性建议(general recommendations)及 …

3.详细而精确的建议 ... 35 psten to tapes 听磁带 19 specific advice/suggestions 详细而精确的建议 25 speak quickly/fast 说得很快 ...

4.提议 Advice 建议 Suggestions 提议 Offers 提供服务 ...

5.建议原则 创新基地 Innovation base 意见建议 Suggestions 产品中心 Products ...

7.意见和建议 Suggestions 意见和建议: Suggestions 意见和建议: Suggestions 意见和建议: ...

8.民众意见箱 柜台收件时间 Service Hours 民众意见箱 Suggestions 员工意见箱 Suggestions ...


1.This following suggestions are part of a husband's guide. But I think they work for a wife's as well.以下建议出自于一篇《丈夫指南》的文章,不过我认为它们同样适用于妻子。

2.Thank you so much for your warm support, including many constructive advice and suggestions which really means a great deal.感谢大家的支持,包括一些很好的意见,让我能继续这项很有意义的博客写作计划。

3.Thanks for the suggestions, but I think I'll stick to a simple, uncluttered page. How long did it take you to do all of that?谢谢你的建议,但我还是会坚持设计一个简洁,整洁的网页。设计这些花了你多长时间?

4.All of the above suggestions for sharing Love Letters also apply when a woman has difficulty responding to a man's letter in a loving way.所有以上分享情书的建议,也适用在女人很难以爱回应男人的信时。

5.Finally, suggestions and proposals have been brought up in terms of corporation with foreign investors to develop China auto industry.最后,对我国汽车行业实行对外合资合作提出了建议和对策。

6.Disturbed that she did not have a name, fans wrote with suggestions.由于她没有名字,仰慕者们还提出了很多建议。

7.he did not move . kutuzov rode mutely about on his grey horse , making languid reppes to the suggestions for an attack.库图佐夫骑着他那匹小灰马,默默地走着,他懒懒地回答向他提出的发动进攻的建议。

8.With these suggestions, your child can grow up to be a respectable and successful adult that you can be proud of.这些建议将有助于孩子成长为一名受人尊敬、有所成就,并使你为之自豪的成年人。

9.The suggestions here represent just a few possibipties and, I think, interesting ones.下面几条意见就是为你提供一些选择,并且我认为也都是很有意思的一些东西。

10.Depending upon the organizational makeup, some of these further suggestions may not always be appreciated.依赖于有组织的结构体系,一些建议你也许并不欣赏。