

zoo:[英 [zu:] 美 [zu] ]



zoo 基本解释


名词动物园; (铁路货车的最后一节)守车; 核粒子园

zoo 网络解释

1. zoo在线翻译

1. 骂:lash--尿尿 | zoo--骂 | buy--赔

2. zoo的近义词

2. 动物园肉?动物园都是有肉的:wall-墙墙 角挖哦 | wife-妻子-妻子外来的媳妇 | zoo-动物园?动物园都是有肉的

zoo 双语例句

1. Shackle, was taken from a zoo to a Texas church where it rode out the storm with other worried residents.

这头名叫 Shackle 的狮子被从一个动物园迁移到这个田纳西教堂,在这里,它和其他担心不已的居民共同安全熬过飓风的袭击。

2. There is a monkey show in the zoo today.


3. zoo的翻译

3. Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.


4. Afterwards you can go to the neighboring zoo.


5. I'd like to introduce some endangered animals in the zoo to you.


6. This is the entrance to the zoo.


7. I took the penguin to the zoo`s office.


8. So this is also so for all species held in such institutions; human souls that have karma to learn and understand about imprisoning animals now ensoul all species in any zoo or aquarium.


9. zoo在线翻译

9. In the zoo I see many animals. They are lion、tiger、snake、bear


10. In the zoo I can see tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears, snakes and many other animals.


11. The left Baby tiger has a new Mom in Donghu Zoo! A Female Tigher gave birth to 3 baby tigers on 24, Mar. which took happiness to the Zoo.

东湖公园最后一只虎崽找到妈妈 3月24日,动物园的虎妈妈娇娇顺利产下三胞胎,给动物园带来了不少喜庆气氛。

12. The armour-plated rhino calf is the first of its kind to be born at Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire for 17 years.


13. zoo

13. There is a dog and sheep at the zoo there.


14. Now I'm a pulil and I'm trying my best to be a good guard of protecting environment, for example, to take off the TV lightscomputer on time, to clean the toilet with the water after washing clothes, to draft on the black page of exercise book, to try not to use the plastic bag, to send e-cards to my classmates, not to play games on the internet, not to eat the wild animals and to tell my friends to do so, not to freely feed the mokeys and tigers in the zoo and so on.

偶是1名小学生,我正在努力做一名环保小卫士,比如,及时关闭电视,电灯,计算机,不上网玩游戏,用洗过衣服地水拖地,(clean the toilet,用作业薄的背面演草,尽量不使用塑料袋,给同学们发电子贺卡等等,不吃并且告诉周围的淖朋朋友不吃铱诎旺动物,在动物园里不随便给可爱的猴子老虎等投食物等等当然,我知道要想保护自然环境还有好多方面,还需要先进的技术和管理经验,所以我长大了要报环保专业,(for a living planet而永远努力(希望用到take off the light /take off the TV/power source/plastic

15. After a regretful incident with the family dog, who had pestered him for so long, Sangha end up in the private zoo of His Excel lency, an unspecified member of local Royalty.


16. Okay, I went to the zoo yesterday, now I'm a koala bear.


17. A child was feeding the peahen in the zoo.


18. zoo是什么意思

18. Two spider monkeys cool off from the intense summer heat with ice cream in the city zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


19. On Children`s Day Li Ming and his parents went to the zoo.



20. Following along as Flora and her dad have a fun-filled day looking at all the animals in the zoo in this beautifully illustrated picture book with ryhming and predictable text.

简 介:本书在描述小女孩到动物园去,逐一看到的动物,本书的插画全都是属於撕画的作品,相当生动。适合3岁以上儿童阅读。

zoo 词典解释

1. . 动物园

A zoo is a park where live animals are kept so that people can look at them

e.g. He took his son Christopher to the zoo.


e.g. ...the penguin pool at London Zoo.


zoo 单语例句

1. Instead of buying it at full price at department stores, she tries to find them at places such as the zoo market.

2. Buzzing with success over the first panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta, veterinarians were on birth watch Thursday for a possible twin sibling.

3. Zoo visitors are now lining up to take a photo with the mynah in its cage and laugh heartily when it shouts at uncivilized visitors.

4. Four officers hunted down and shot the animal after police got a 911 call from a zoo employee.

5. Her arrival in 2006 brought thousands more visitors to the zoo and millions of clicks to an online panda cam.

6. Panda fans have been keeping up with the duo on the zoo Web site's panda cam and live video feeds at the exhibit.

7. Millions of people around the world watched Hua Mei grow up via the Zoo's Panda Cam.

8. National Zoo staff also noted that the cub now has upper and lower incisor and canine teeth.

9. " It's impossible for giant pandas fed in captivity to survive through natural selection, " Xinhua quoted a zoo keeper as saying.

10. Zookeeper Wang Jianxiang said the zoo had been struggling to provide enough food and medical care for the animals.

zoo 英英释义


1. the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition

Synonym: menageriezoological garden