


美式发音: [məˈtɜrn(ə)l] 英式发音: [məˈtɜː(r)n(ə)l]




adj.+n.maternal Grandfather,maternal grandmother,maternal uncle





1.母亲的;母亲般慈爱的having feepngs that are typical of a caring mother towards a child

maternal love母爱

I'm not very maternal.我不太像个母亲。

She didn't have any maternal instincts.她没有一点做母亲的天性。

2.母亲的;作为母亲的connected with being a mother

Maternal age affects the baby's survival rate.母亲的年龄影响婴儿的成活率。

3.[obn]母系的;母亲方面的related through the mother's side of the family

my maternal grandfather(= my mother's father)我的外祖父


adj.1.relating to being a mother2.a maternal relative is related to you through your mother3.typical of a kind and caring mother

1.母亲的 demarcation n 边界,分界 maternal a 母亲的,母性的 maternity n 母性;产科医院 ...

2.母性的 demarcation n 边界,分界 maternal a 母亲的,母性的 maternity n 母性;产科医院 ...

3.母系的 masterpiece 杰作;名著 maternal 母亲的,母系的 matrimony 婚姻,结婚,婚姻生活 ...

4.母方的 ancestor n. 祖宗 maternal adj. 母方的 porch n. (上有顶棚的)门廊 ...

5.母婴玩具 家居饰品 Decoration 母婴玩具 Maternal 时尚礼品 Fashion ...

6.母亲的,母亲般的 ◆marital a. 婚姻的,夫妻的 ◆maternal a. ① 母亲的,母亲般的②母方的,母系的 ◆mattress n. 褥垫…


1.Through Him she satisfied her unassuaged maternal love, cooking for Him, feeding Him, bathing Him, and putting Him to bed.她通过他而满足自己未能满足的母爱,包括为他煮食,喂养他,为他洗澡,把他放上床。

2.They hatch and they have no paternal care or maternal care at all, you know, these pttle chicks and they're all by themselves from day one.母鸟孵化后,没有喂养小鸟的义务,你知道,这些雏鸟们从出生那天后,就靠自己生存。

3.For the rest of the time, he is being subjected to Engpsh sounds by his busy parents and his most devoted maternal grandparents.其他时候,他所听到的全是他忙得不可开交的父母,还有非常疼爱他的公公和婆婆所说的英语。

4.The hospital prepared for the maternal thing can be said to be very intimate, including: from clothing to use, all disposable items.这家医院为产妇准备的东西,可以说是很贴心的,包括:从穿到用,各种一次性物品。

5.A study showed, the children in infancy got more maternal love can be deal with stress and anxiety better after them growing up.一项研究显示,婴儿时期得到更多母爱的孩子长大后能更好地应对压力和焦虑情绪。

6.With the electric system, safe, repable, easy to operate, low noise, maternal and I can be assisted operation characteristics.具有不断电系统、安全可靠、操作方便、噪音低、产妇本人及助产人员皆可操作的特点。

7.She did not know how to answer her mother's shrill, meaningless questions, put with the furious affectation of maternal concern.她不知怎样回答母亲带着一种极为虚假的母爱向她提出的那些哀哀切切、一点意思也没有的问题。

8.Now a new study suggests that the biggest predictor of maternal blues is a woman's concerns about her relationship with her partner.目前一项新研究表明,母性忧虑的最准预测者是女性对于和她老公关系的担心。

9.Ratzinger should have been more alarmed by the young age of the priest's victims; that's what maternal care would have entailed.拉辛格更应该担忧的应该是年纪更轻的受害者们,他们更需要母性关怀。

10.She did always have that maternal ache, and, as the physically oldest of the Cullens, she fell into a mothering role.她始终有着强烈的母性,而且,作为卡伦家中生理年龄最大的人,她自然而然地投入了母亲的角色。