

shady:[英 [ˈʃeɪdi] 美 [ˈʃedi] ]


shady 基本解释

形容词背阴的; 可疑的; 隐蔽的; 名声不好的

shady 反义词



shady 相关词组

1. keep shady : 藏匿;

shady 相关例句


1. shady在线翻译

1. Shady financiers had no difficulty in finding gullible customers.


2. He has engaged in rather shady occupation.


3. It's cool and shady under the tree.


shady 网络解释

1. 可疑的;秘密的:Resort to 诉诸于, 采取 | Shady 可疑的;秘密的 | Surveillance 监视, 监督

2. 成荫的:shadowy 有影的 | shady 成荫的 | shaft 轴

3. 阴凉的:shadowy 有阴影的 | shady 阴凉的 | shaggy 毛茸茸的

4. shady

4. 阴凉:shadowyshadowiness 有阴影 | shady 阴凉 | shadyplace 阴凉处

shady 双语例句

1. Stand on the bridge the distance, lofty blue sky, the bright sun and wind, clear water eddy whirl, green bamboo charming and shady trees, the distance like a huge rock to wear thin air gates open, transparent on three sides of this mountain air, The guests can walk through.


2. In the shady depth of life are the lonely nests of memories that shrink from words.


3. shady在线翻译

3. When I am dead, my dearst, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above me With showers and dwedrops wet:And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget.


4. shady的翻译

4. Scholaris plantation optimal pattern. Results show that growth of A. scholaris is enhanced when planted in high density at 417 plants per hectare over low density planting, and is significantly affected by slope direction. However, in lower density planting, plant growth is not significantly affected by slope direction. Within a certain density range, plant density has no significant effect on the growth of A. scholar in shady-slopes. Sunny-slopes are most favorable to A. scholar growth. Under the system of monoculture, total biomass per plant(2.717 kg) is much higher than that of agroforestry systems such as A. scholaris and Camellia sinensis (2.598 kg), and A.

结果表明:在较高种植密度(株行距为4m×6m)条件下,不同种植坡向间糖胶树生长差异较大,而在低密度条件下,坡向对植株的生长影响不大;在一定种植密度范围内,阴坡的种植密度对糖胶树的生长影响不大,且阴坡条件不利于糖胶树的生长,而阳坡则较适宜;不同种植模式下的糖胶树单株生物量不同,荒坡纯种(2.717 kg)较糖胶树+茶叶种植模式(2.598 kg)以及糖胶树+咖啡模式(2.500 kg)高。

5. Some of the software you may have installed could have intentionally come bundled with Spyware (which is one ugly way that some shady software vendors will make money).


6. The sheer amount of'shady money'flowing to Hong Kong and Macau is becoming slightly embarrassing for Beijing, 'the note said.


7. shady是什么意思

7. Second, tales of shady entrepreneurs pocketing taxpayers` money and paying for public servants to visit prostitutes may shock Italians more than the often abstruse financial accusations levelled at Mr Berlusconi (most of which, including the alleged bribery of Mr Mills, concern his activities out of office).

其次,外界盛传不肖企业人士将纳税人的钱中饱私囊,甚至拿给公务员去买春,这些都将使意大利百姓为之惊讶,远超过经常发生Silvio Berlusconi身上让人感觉深奥难懂的财务指控(其中大多数,包括所谓的行贿David Mills在内,都与办公室外的活动有关)。

8. Using his wife's money wasn't exactly honorable, but since their relationship was rather shady anyway what did it matter?


9. As he sat in the deep embrasure of a mullioned window, talking to my lady, his mind wandered away to shady Fig-tree Court, and he thought of poor George Talboys smoking his solitary cigar in the room with the birds and the canaries.


10. shady的近义词

10. Big bass are always on the shady side of cover once the sun rises.


11. He prefers to play hiserhu further along the wide street on the opposite side andunderneath the shady cover of some large, old trees.


12. Jack came lagging in late one afternoon, drank his two bottles of beer cooled in a wet sack on the shady side of the tent, ate two bowls of stew, four of Ennis's stone biscuits, a can of peaches, rolled a smoke, watched the sun drop.


13. G Jack came lagging in late one afternoon, drank his two bottles of beer cooled in a wet sack on the shady side of the tent, ate two bowls of stew, four of Ennis's stone biscuits, a can of peaches, rolled a smoke, watched the sun drop.


14. Jack came lagging in late one afternoon, drank his two bottles of beercooled in a wet sack on the shady side of the tent, ate two bowls ofstew, four of Ennis`s stone biscuits, a can of peaches, rolled a smoke, watched the sun drop.


15. Jack came lagging in late one afternoon, drank his two bottles of beer cooledin a wet sack on the shady side of the tent, ate two bowls of stew, four ofEnnis`s stone biscuits, a can of peaches, rolled a smoke, watched the sun


16. G: k+ $ C$ C'g6 Y Jack came lagging in late one afternoon, drank his two bottles of beer cooled in a wet sack on the shady side of the tent, ate two bowls of stew, four of Ennis's stone biscuits, a can of peaches, rolled a smoke, watched the sun drop.

O 一天傍晚杰克拖着脚步回来了,他喝了晾在帐篷背阴处湿麻袋里的两瓶啤酒,吃了两碗炖肉,啃了四块埃尼斯的硬饼干和一罐桃子罐头,卷了根烟,看着太阳落下去。

17. Keep the powder in a dry and shady place. Avoid high heat and direct sun exposure



18. Cause Shady, will ****in kill you. ah-haha


19. Store it in a dry, shady and cool place, do not contact it to hazardous substances; dispose the product and its packaging materials according to the requirements issued by environmental protection departments.


20. Surrounded by views of an endless horizon, everywhere are quiet corners, secluded beaches and shady spots in which to soak up the calming environment.


shady 词典解释

1. 背阴的;阴凉的;多阴的

You can describe a place as shady when you like the fact that it is sheltered from bright sunlight, for example by trees or buildings.


e.g. After flowering, place the pot in a shady spot in the garden...


e.g. The rooms are admirably cool and shady after the hot brown monotony of the countryside.


2. (树)成阴的

Shady trees provide a lot of shade.


e.g. Clara had been reading in a lounge chair under a shady tree.


3. 可疑的;鬼鬼祟祟的;不正当的

You can describe activities as shady when you think that they might be dishonest or illegal. You can also use shady to describe people who are involved in such activities.

e.g. The company was notorious for shady deals...


e.g. Joseph watched a shady-looking bunch playing cards aboard a Mississippi steamer.


shady 单语例句shady

1. It is not rare for investigations into coalmine accidents to reveal a local official's shady interest in a private coalmine.

2. Penn State University was a paragon of collegiate athletic virtue in an otherwise shady world.

3. With its colorful arches and sidewalks lined with old and shady trees, the Guozijian has always been a pleasant place to stroll around.

4. Or look around for shady customers when you see " The slippery are very crafty "?

5. The trail takes you down the mountain gradually, past the charming Esoteric Spot Pagoda and weaves its way under the shady canopies.

6. Take a picnic and blanket and hit the expanse of shady grass surrounding the lake.

7. Candy Floss'natural, shady setting makes it a top spot to lounge on a lazy weekend afternoon.

8. They sat me down on the shady rocks and proceeded to adopt me.

9. Forensic sculptor Eve Duncan travels to Colombia to identify a skull for a shady arms dealer.

10. The private sector is seen as engaging in shady deals and is connected with the expanding wealth gap.

shady 英英释义



1. filled with shade

e.g. the shady side of the street

the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed

we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove

cool umbrageous woodlands

Synonym: shadowedshadowyumbrageous

2. not as expected

e.g. there was something fishy about the accident

up to some funny business

some definitely queer goings-on

a shady deal

her motives were suspect

suspicious behavior

Synonym: fishyfunnysuspectsuspicious

3. of questionable taste or morality

e.g. a louche nightclub

a louche painting

Synonym: louche

4. (of businesses and businessmen) unscrupulous

e.g. a shady operation

Synonym: fly-by-night