

beset:[英 [bɪˈset] 美 [bɪˈsɛt] ]



beset 基本解释

及物动词困扰; 包围; 镶,嵌; [航]被冰块包围

beset 相关例句


1. This town is beset with towering mountains.


2. In the swamp the army was beset by mosquitoes.


3. He was beset by fear.


4. The project was beset with difficulties.


5. She was beset by doubts.


beset 网络解释

1. 困扰:beseem 适合于 | beset 困扰 | besetting 不断攻击的

2. 包围:bereave#剥夺 | beset#包围 | besiege#围

3. 被冰夹住;包围:besel 监视窗 | beset 被冰夹住;包围 | BESS 二进制编码地震系统

beset 双语例句

1. During this period, the Taiping Revolution and the Second Opium War broke out; the Qing government was beset with difficulties.


2. To configure a firewall to filter out these attacks is hard due to the open nature of Internet servers. Furthermore, the flooding sources of attacks are spoofed, and the firewall is beset by the task of configuring appropriate rules.


3. beset

3. Many parents thought that is the raise raise child is a very simple matter, but does truly thinks is beset with difficulties, the mothering, the education, how do the test as well as let the child healthy development puzzle the guardian, this article believed that has the help to the guardian....

中国人大多喜欢温文尔雅的儒生形象,而美国人则多喜欢那种爱活动,体格很健壮,有肌肉的男生,所以校队的活动员,特别是football球队的男生,通常都是 very popular 的。这也是中美文化差异之一喽!

4. I could not afford to buy Mrs. Henessy out, I dared not murder her, and limitations of this sort beset me on every side.


5. beset的反义词

5. Why are you beset with gloom?


6. But they had a mental equivalent, and were beset with a firm belief that man could fly.


7. Yet these deluges were gone in a flash and he was then beset with an intellectual dry spell.


8. His conservative political stance was also reflected in The Alamo (1960), which he produced, directed and starred in. His patriotic stand was enshrined in The Green Berets (1968) which he co-directed and starred in. Over the years Wayne was beset with health problems. In September 1964 he had a cancerous left lung removed; in March 1978 there was heart valve replacement surgery; and in January 1979 his stomach was removed.

韦恩在政治上持保守态度,这在他自编、自导、自演的影片《边城英烈传》中有明显反映;韦恩还有一副爱国热肠,这一点在他合作导演及主演的《绿色贝雷帽》中可见一斑。1949年,韦恩凭《血战琉磺岛》获得奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,并最终靠在《大地惊雷》(1969)扮演的独眼龙Rooster Cogburn如愿封帝。1979年,韦恩还获颁国会金质奖。

9. It may only beset to half full if there is a guage or indicator to verify this.


10. But tucked away on the southeast corner of the Balkan Peninsula is Bosnia and Herzegovina, a nation beset with the devastation and slow developmentbrought about by war. It is a nation standing at a crossroads, unsure about the future.

不过在欧洲东南隅巴尔干半岛上的波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳(Bosnia and Herzegovina,以下简称波赫),迄今仍陷於战争所带来的后遗症中而发展迟缓,就像一个站在十字路口的徘徊者,看似站定,对於未来确充满了陶多多的不确定因素。

11. beset

11. In an era when the traditional media found itself beset by scandals as disparate as Stephen Glass, Jayson Blair, and Dan Rather, bloggers survived the first assault on their worth.

在传统媒体被像 Stephen Glass,Jayson Blair,以及 Dan Rather 这样的丑闻困扰的时代,blog 作者们经受住了对他们价值的第一轮攻击。

12. Memories beset the memory of those who copy and paste in brain, my corner of the world's angle of fall is all about you.


13. It confirmed that the Labour Party is home to the world`s most inept conspirators. And it restated what Mr Brown`s premiership had already amply proved: that he is more tenacious than his enemies but unable quite to quell them; that the party is hopelessly beset by in-fighting, and has never managed to escape the old rancour between Tony Blair, Mr Brown and their supporters; that it is unable to see itself as the rest of the country sees it.


14. Especially troubling is that most of the new megacities are in countries whose governments cannot afford to tackle the lack of sanitation, overcrowding, dearth of clean water, and other infection-friendly conditions that beset the burgeoning numbers of their urban poor.


15. And while a successful Games would make it seem invincible, one beset by protests and complaints might also serve only to unite party and people in a defensive laager.


16. When he died, Jackson was heavily in debt, a man beset by financial and legal predicaments caused largely by his inability to control his enthusiasms for expensive baubles and inviting little boys to his bedroom.


17. They are beset by doubts and fears.


18. A vile disease has beset him; he will never get up from the place where he lies.


19. There are those who realize that life on earth does not bring any lasting happiness; even the noble, rich powerful and influential are beset by worry and suffering.


20. The country was beset by a bewildering number of cults and religions, including the worship of astral gods, fertility goddesses, genii and sacred stones


beset 词典解释The form beset is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. beset的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

1. 困扰;烦扰;使苦恼

If someone or something is beset by problems or fears, they have many problems or fears which affect them severely.

e.g. The country is beset by severe economic problems.


e.g. The discussions were beset with difficulties.


beset 单语例句beset在线翻译

1. Beset by so many agonizing problems, the Earth is screaming for help.

2. The OAS is beset by a row over the pace of normalization with Cuba.

3. There have been hints that the program is beset by technical problems.

4. In the past year, the Europe Union has been beset with a festering sovereign debt crisis.

5. Puntland is a relatively stable region in a country beset by chaos and violence.

6. Obama's young administration has been beset by problems with Cabinet nominees.

7. Yet years later his nation still remains beset by strife and one shudders to think how many more living nightmares are taking place.

8. China's telecoms sector has long been beset by poor network resource sharing and interconnection, with established players reluctant to let smaller rivals access the network.

9. Putin cast Russia as beset by foreign forces eager to bring it to its knees, and he cracked down on NGOs he accused of serving masters abroad.

10. Thailand has been beset by nearly three years of political turmoil, with mass protests wreaking havoc with daily life and occasionally erupting into violence.