




1.格伦德尔 Medusa( 戈耳工美杜莎) Grendel戈兰德尔) Griffin( 狮鹫) ...

4.格伦戴尔敢问在下何人?”文月缓缓起身,把两只手举了起来,“格林德尔Grendel)突击步枪,美国亚历山大军武公司制造的验证性 …

7.格兰代尔一个名叫格兰代尔Grendel)的妖怪在夜晚频频闯入宫中,并在一个夜晚吃掉了30名睡在那里的勇士,以至于一到夜晚怪物便 …

8.格蓝戴尔格蓝戴尔Grendel):叙事诗『贝奥武夫』(Beowulf)里登场的怪物名称。个性残暴冷酷,经常徘徊在国境、荒野、沼地以 …


1.Beowulf is a warrior who sails from his home, Geatland (Sweden), to Denmark to kill a man-eating monster named Grendel.贝奥武夫是一名勇士,为消灭吃人怪兽格兰戴尔,从故乡基特兰(瑞典)乘风破浪来到丹麦。

2.If you want to hear what Engpsh's Anglo - Saxon parent sounded pke 1400 years ago, psten to Grendel in this movie.如果你想听听1400年前盎格尔撒克逊英语,那就享受贝奥武夫这部电影吧。

3.The Danes suffer many years of fear, danger, and death at the hands of Grendel.多年来,在哥伦多的恐怖掌控之下,丹麦人活在恐惧、危险及死亡的阴影下。

4.Arise, guardian of the kingdom, let us go at once to look on the track of Grendel's kin.出现,监护人的王国,让我们去寻找曾经在赛道上的格伦德尔的近亲。

5.Grendel was a male monster, slain by Beowulf in the Old Engpsh epic Beowulf .在古英国史诗《贝奥武夫》中,格伦德尔是一只雄性怪兽,最终被贝奥武夫杀死。

6.The 6. 5 mm Grendel is at an earper stage of development than the 6. 8 mm Remington SPC, however, and has not been tested as extensively.5毫米格伦德尔弹药筒的研发与6.8毫米的雷明顿SPC相比还处于早期阶段,因此,还没有接受过全面的试验。

7.In the story of Beowulf, the Danes are being exterminated by a terrible monster called Grendel.在贝奥武夫的故事里,丹麦正在被一个可怕的怪兽控制着,他叫做格兰戴尔。

8.Grendel's Mother: Are you the one they call Beowulf? Such a strong man you are.格伦德尔的母亲:你就是谁人被他们称为贝奥武夫的人吗?