


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美(=Air Force Association)空军协会

网络释义:亚洲电影大奖(Asian Film Awards);角蛋白微丝蛋白抗体(anti-filaggrin antibody);音频放大器(audio frequency amppfier)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Air Force Association)空军协会2.(=American Federation of Arts)美国艺术联合会

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Air Force Association)2.(=American Federation of Arts)

1.亚洲电影大奖(Asian Film Awards) af 声频、音频 afa 音频放大器 A-fade 衰减 ...

4.阿根廷足球协会(Argentine Football Association)阿根廷足球协会(AFA)在蕴酿多年后终于推出了名叫AFA PLUS系统,那么这个系统的细节到底是什么呢?[球员动态] 梅西:巴萨 …


1.When her manager went out for a phone call, she sited down watching a fax when suddenly felt that Afa scraped her instep by his foot.拉拉的经理出去接个电话,拉拉坐下看一份传真,忽然感觉阿发拿脚在摩挲她的脚背。

2.The last thing the American Family Association (AFA) wants to see are openly gay troops serving in the U. S. miptary.美国家庭联盟最不想看到的,就是同性恋士兵公然在军中服役。

3.Rui Furtado, the head of the Portuguese firm AFA, our local partners, introduced me to his country's treasures.我们当地合作伙伴葡萄牙公司AFA的负责人鲁伊·福塔多(RuiFurtado)向我介绍了他们的国之瑰宝。

4.Lala suddenly remember that her manager told to her Afa will come to sales department this afternoon he might get there already.拉拉猛然想起经理说过,阿发下午会来业务部,没准这会儿人已经到了。

5.A spokesman for the AFA told the BBC that unless indebted clubs pay the money they owe their players, their season could be postponed.阿根廷足协的一位发言人告诉BBC,除非负债的俱乐部支付完他们拖欠球员的款项,否则本赛季的比赛将被推迟。

6.Anyway Afa is a boss with momentum while Xia Hong's bold and generous cold down in the end.原来阿发到底是个老总,有老总的气势,夏红虽然豪迈,还是怯场了。

7.Whether it is robotics, conveyor systems, packaging or high-speed assembly, AFA can provide custom solutions for all of your needs.无论是机器人技术,输送系统,包装或是高速整合,AFA都能一一为您解决。

8.Afa was sitting in the car consciously and whisper to her, he will order a long-term room for her in China Hotel.阿发在车上坐得端端正正,小声和拉拉说,他以后会在中国大酒店长包一间房,给拉拉享用。

9.And his contribution was such that the Argentine Football Federation (AFA) recently 'retired' his old No. 10 shirt.由于他的杰出贡献,阿根廷足协最近宣布将他曾经穿过的10号球衣永久封存。

10.The coming of administrative factual act(AFA) originated from the variation of administrative function.行政事实行为的出现源于行政职能的变化。