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1.主要动词(主句中的动词)the verb in a main clause

1.主要动词 动词 verb 主动词 main verb 及物动词 transitive verb ...

3.谓语动词树一帜,最显著的例子是,狄更斯的叙述语言中有不少无谓语动词(main verb)句。

4.找出主要动词 分词 Participle: 的用法 - 找出主要动词 Main Verb 的用法 - 找出主要宾词 Main Object ...



1.They differ subtly in meaning from the main verb forms in that they always refer to an externally imposed obpgation.它们在意思上和用作实义动词的形式有细微的区别,它们总指外部加强的压力。

2.You acceptedly put adverbials of abundance, anticipation, and continuance in foreground of the main verb.表现频率,可能性和连续性的状语个别放在主动词之前。

3.You normally put adverbials of manner, place, and time after the main verb.方式状语,地点状语和时间状语通常都置于主动词之后。

4.Predicate for the main verb, the more tense voice changes.动词主要作谓语,时态语态多变化。

5.expected to happen. You put "already" in front of the main verb.用以表示某事比预料中早发生,置于主动词之前。

6.When a sentence has an auxipary verb and a main verb, it is usual to put adverbs between them. For example:当句子中有一个辅助动词和一个主要动词,副词经常被放在两个动词之间。比如说:

7.When used as a main verb, dare does agree with its subject当用作实义动词时,dare一定要和主语一致

8.but " has " is seldom reduced in this way when it is a part of a main verb , except in set phrases但“has”用作主要动词时,则很少使用缩写形式,只有一些惯用语例外。

9.An Investigation on the Adverbial with Semantic Meaning towards Main Verb语义指向动词中心语的状语的考察

10.But adverbials of frequency (how often) usually come in front of the main verb:但是表示频率的状语通常出现在主要动词前面: