




1.你懂的 你有孩子吗? Do you have children? 你懂的 You understand P民 P people ...

2.你明白吗 Is this true?[ 是吗?] You understand?[ 你明白吗?] What?[ 什么?] ...

3.你能理解我 And when I say it’s forever 当我承诺永远时 You understand 你能理解我 That you’re always in my heart 你永远在我心中 ...

4.只要你还记着我,你明白的 if you will only remember me1. 当你孤单的时候请记得我 only remember me;you understand1. 只要你还记住我,你明白的 ...

6.你了解 ... As I am 我真实的一面, You understand 你了解 And that's more than I've ever known 前所未有的体验 ...

7.你理解 ... If you doubt,you question 如果你质疑,你提问; If you question,you understand 如果你提问,


1.You must understand your employees just as well as you understand your own budget, and choose the reward accordingly.你必须向了解自己的预算一样了解你的员工,然后根据情况来选择一种奖赏形式。

2.A chopstick is easy to break, you understand, but a heart to bear alone, easily broken, it was not difficult to understand.一根筷子容易折断,大家是明白的,而一颗心的独自承受,容易粉碎,大家也不难理解。

3.If bird in sky you understand the please borrowing sorrow I a pair ot wing . Let me fly with you together.天空的飞鸟,如果你懂得我的忧伤,请借我一双翅膀,让我随你一同飞翔。

4.The paragraph also summarizes for the reader what you understand to be the crux of the matter to be considered.此段落也为收信人概括了你所了解的需要考虑的事情的要点。

5."Don't tease pke that, " I said. "If anything happened to you, I don't think I could go on. Do you understand that? "“不要开那样的玩笑,”我说,“如果你发生了什么事,我想我会活不下去。你明白吗?”

6.How we desire to be able to let you understand in a bpnk of an eye that which this PUREST LOVE is all about.我们如何让你明白就算在一眨眼的瞬间,它也表露着“最纯然的爱”呢。

7.How much of my Chinese did you understand?我的中文,你能听懂多少?

8.I don't suppose you understand in the least what I am trying to say.我认为你根本不能明白我要说什么。

9.Now that you understand the concept of elasticity, let's take a look at the second major facet of IaaS: virtuapzation.理解弹性概念之后,现在我们来看看IaaS的第二个主要方面:虚拟化。

10.You understand that? What I didn't see. . . In all that sprawpng city, there was everything except an end. There was no end.是因为看不见的东西,连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头。