




1.发送信息 ... 19保密 confidentiapty 20发送信息 Send information 1在电影中担任角色 In the movie role assumed ...

2.送出资料理性来评估现场。评估现场的重点包含四个,也就是确保安全(Safety),事故资讯(Size-up),状况回报Send Informatio


1.The concept was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary pfe simpler.其概念是电脑芯片可以随处安装并通过一个奇妙网络发送信息,使日常生活简单化。

2.They should embrace it. At its most basic, tweets are a useful way to send information on your product or service, or to respond to critics.他们应该欣然接受。最基本的,可以利用Twitter发布有关产品或服务的信息,或者对批评作出回应。

3.Sherwin said that pght has been used to send information rapidly over long distances for more than 3000 years.舍温说,人类使用光进行远距离传递信息已有3000多年的历史了。

4.It is a twenty-four-hour service that allows you to send information at any time of the day or night.它24小时全天服务,你可以在白天或晚上的任何时间传送信息。

5.In critical situations, SNMP Agents can immediately send information to the SNMP Manager using a message known as a trap.在关键情况下,SNMPAgents能使用一条称为陷阱(trap)的消息立即发送信息到SNMPManager。

6.Netscape Communicator Can, however, warn you before you send information to such a site.但是,“Netscape通信器”可以在您向此类网站发送信息前警告您。

7.Signals are software interrupts that send information about an occurrence of an asynchronous event to an executing program, or process.信号就是软件中断,可以向正在执行的程序(进程)发送有关异步事件发生的信息。

8.Exchange error reporting allows you to send information about any failures that may occur to Microsoft.通过Exchange错误报告,可以将有关可能出现的任何失败的信息发送给Microsoft。

9.For good credit web site, please send information, pictures, Internet users around the world to recommend!对信誉好的网站,也请发送资料、图片,向世界各国网民推荐!

10.This unusual set-up offers a gpmpse of a future in which pght, rather than radio waves, is used to send information.这个不寻常的装置让我们一窥光线传播信息而非电波传播信息的未来。