

back together

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1.一起回来 ... 05.Running Away 逃跑 06.Back Together 一起回来 07.No Color Line 无色 …

2.重修于好 ... of course: 一定;当然 back together: 【重修于好】 couple: 夫妇 ...

3.舢板口令全倒桨 Back the oars! 全倒桨舢板口令)全倒桨 Back together 舢板口令)全倒桨 back board=backboard …

4.喜结未了缘 富贵逼人 It's a mad,mad,mad world 喜结未了缘 Back together 追女仔 Chasing girls ...

5.想说服我 We,ohhh,getting back together 我们,回到过去 back together 就算你到处拜托朋友,想说服我 I love you 然后你又出现,说…

6.就算你到处拜托朋友 We,ohhh,getting back together 我们,回到过去 back together 就算你到处拜托朋友,想说服我 I love you 然后你又出现,说…


1.iF: Was one of the big challenges for Season Four coming up with a premise that would put all these characters back together?第四季以所有角色聚集到一起为前提来发展剧情,这是其中一大挑战吗?

2.Yes we got back together. He said he made a mistake and I'm everything to him.对啊,我们和好了。他说他错了,我是他的一切。

3.Also and Xiao-Lan Di Dan back together high school, the intention to scare you about the Klan, they found a bit strange here, pke . . .也和小兰一起回到了帝丹高中,本打算吓唬大家一下的柯南,却发现这里的样子有点奇怪……?

4.Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to reapze how much they need to fall back together.有时候,两个人要分开以后才会意识到,他们多想在一起。

5.But I think Arsene, if he sits down and is honest with himself, he'll put it all back together again. But he needs to do some hard thinking.但我想,假如他能坐下来客观地反思,他会把钱一起重新投入进去的。但他需要的是深刻的反思。

6.and I'm just pke "this is exhausting, you know, we are never getting back together. Like ever. "但就像我说的“我累了,我们再也不能一起回到过去了,真的”

7.And then we, kind of, come back together again, and come back looking for that sort of solution, and developing that solution.接着,我们又回来,回来寻找解答,并发展那个解答。

8.They looked at me, as if I had raised a silly question, and said they rarely used cars and would walk back together.他们看着我,似乎觉得我的问题有些意外,忙解释说他们平时很少用车,他们走着回去。

9.You look across McFarland Boulevard and you see some construction crews trying to put things back together.你可以看到对面麦克法兰大道的一些建筑队试图将一切恢复原状。

10.If you truly want to get back together with your ex, you have to do a bit of soul searching. You must be totally honest with yourself.如果你真的想跟你的前任重温鸳梦,最好先进行一些深入内心的思考。