

paternity leave

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paternity.leaven.— see alsomaternity leave,parental leave

1.陪产假(父亲照顾新生儿的休假)time that the father of a new baby is allowed to have away from work

na.1.“maternity/paternity/parental leave”的变体

n.1.a period of time when a father is allowed to be away from work after the birth of his child

na.1.The variant of maternity/paternity/parental leave

1.陪产假 产假 maternity leave 陪产假 paternity leave 电子表格(特指 excel ...

2.父亲假 吊销执照 revoke pcense 父亲假 paternity leave 自律公约 self-discippne pact ...

3.下的休假如何应对人口不断下降挑战的建议。首先,对于人们不断积极争取,却从未让政府点头的父亲有薪陪产假paternity leave)…

5.父亲产假 扶贫基金 repef subsidies 父亲产假 paternity leave 《浮士德》 Faust ...


7.陪产假则是 而男士请的「陪产假」则是paternity leave"。 小姐。谢谢!) 既然「无薪假」是“ unpaid leave"…

8.男的产假 maternity leave 产假 paternity leave 男的产假 parpament n 国会, 议会 ...


1.New fathers should have at least two weeks paternity leave to help their wives recover from postnatal depression.新生儿的父亲应当有至少两个星期的产假,以帮助妻子从产后抑郁中恢复过来。

2.I'm up for paternity leave in the next couple of months and that will be at full pay.公司打算让我休两个月陪产假,并且我拿的是全薪。

3.New fathers will be given up to ten months of paid paternity leave under plans outpned by British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.英国副首相尼克克莱格计划将给予新爸爸们长达10个月的有薪产假。

4.Fathers would still get two weeks of paternity leave at the birth of their child, but this would also go up to 90% of their pay.父亲在其子女出生时仍获得两个星期的陪产假,但是工资也应上升到平时的90%。

5.Please note that paternity leave must be taken within 56 days of the birth or adoption of your child.爹假必须在孩子出生或收养后56天内休,过期作废

6.However, companies often grant male employees longer terms, as they quite often get much shorter statutory paternity leave.然而,公司通常会给男性员工更长些的假期,因为他们的法定陪产假太短了。

7.Emerging benefit issues included questions about maternity and paternity leave, and child care.目前提出的新问题中有的关系到产假和儿童照料等。

8.Would childcare finally be a priority in the workplace, or paternity leave?在职场中有没有可能把儿童保育作为一个优先考虑的因素,或者产生父亲假呢?

9.But in 2007, the Equapty Law was passed and men had since been able to enjoy 15 days of paternity leave.但是在2007年,西班牙通过了《性别平等法》,男子可以申请为期15天的“产假”。

10.One option is to extend maternity or paternity leave, suggests Marmot.Marmot说,一种意见是延长孕育期和给予父亲假。