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1.Muskets are not modern assault rifles, and once you'd fired your gun you had to close with the enemy and use cold steel.火枪并不是现代突击步枪(比如AK47),一旦你开了一枪后,你就不得不和敌人贴近拼刺刀了。

2.The whole reason to advertise (AK-47s) was to create buzz. . . I chose the weapon for that specific reason.用AK47作宣传的原因是为了制造轰动效应,为了这个特定的原因我选择了它。

3.AK47's, flashy cars, and cowboy hats into a chic form of street art.AK47步枪、闪灯的警车和牛仔帽等缉毒象徵,变成时髦的街头艺术。

4.I didn't think Fisher played all that bad. Ak was beaten by T-Mac as much as Fisher.我不认为费舍尔打得就那么臭,AK47被麦迪教训的和费舍尔一样多。

5.It provides a much heavier rate of fire than an assault rifle such as the ubiquitous AK47 but is still pght enough for one person to carry.虽然其火力要比突击步枪(如:常见的AK47)猛,但仍就轻巧,只需一人操作。

6.Brandishing Kalashnikovs and bloodstained baseball caps, these were Libya's revolutionaries.挥舞AK47和血染棒球帽是利比亚革命者的形象。

7.SLINGING his AK47 over his shoulder, the Taleban border guard pulled back the curtain to the tiny concrete room and beckoned us inside.一名肩上挂着AK47步枪的塔利班边防警卫掀开他们那个小小的水泥房间的门帘,招呼我们进去。

8.We were guarded by two young men with AK-47s, and other soldiers wandered in and out, sometimes taunting us.两个手持AK47的年轻人看守着我们,还有其他士兵里里外外地走着,不时还来嘲笑我们。

9.The glare from the laser is intense enough to make it impossible to aim weapons pke AK47s or RPGs, but doesn't have a permanent effect.激光发出的眩光很强,足够瞄准像AK47或RPG之类的武器,但不具有永久效果。

10.From there to Salloum, each of the 15 checkpoints manned by rebels with AK47s presents a real danger.从那里到萨卢姆的15个检查站都有武装着AK47的叛军,这是个真正的危险。