


美式发音: [ˌeɪ bi ˈes] 英式发音: [ˌeɪ biː ˈes]


网络释义:防抱死制动系统(Antilock Brake System);美国船级社(American Bureau of Shipping);工程塑料


abs— see alsoabdominals n.


n.1.anti-lock braking system2.the abdominal muscles

1.防抱死制动系统(Antilock Brake System) shader 着色器 Abs 绝对值 Acos 反余弦 ...

7.资产支持证券(asset-backed securities)信贷资产支持证券abs)是英文asset-backed securities的缩写,即信贷资产支持证券。abs是一种信托受益凭证,代表特定目 …


1.Taking into Pickup bed cover of its own weight factor, pickup bed cover is usually by flat fiberglass or ABS plastic production.考虑到平盖的自身重量因素,皮卡后箱平盖通常采用玻璃钢或者ABS塑料制作。

2.One of the easiest ways to get six pack abs involves burning off the body fat that covers the abdominal muscles.打造腹肌最简单的方法之一就是燃烧覆盖在腹部肌肉上的脂肪。

3.He said the issue involved software that controls the car's anti-lock braking system (ABS).他表示,问题涉及控制该车防抱死系统(ABS)的软件。

4.One tactic would be to rule that only a small fraction of any ABS or corporate-bond issue could be permissible.一种措施便是规定对于各种资产支持证券或公司债券,只有一小部分能获得允许。

5.The only thing stopping me from my own ripppng set of abs is the sit-ups I don't do (okay, and maybe chocolate cake).唯一能使我停止炫耀自己的小腹肌肉的,大概是我不再做仰卧起坐吧(好吧,可能还有巧克力蛋糕)。

6.Without bending at the elbows any further, bring your arms down and across the body using your abs to initiate the movement.不需要再更多地弯曲肘部,把双臂自然落下并通过全身用腹部带动整个运动。

7.Maybe you can attain washboard abs and buff biceps by the time bikini season rolls around, but you're going to have to work for it.也许在比基尼季节时你也许你能拥有搓衣板和强壮腹肌的好身材(大概是这个意思吧,汗),但你不得不为此而努力。

8.Aim To develop a simple, fast, easy-to-do and new detecting method of the Abs against Taenia Sopum cysticercosis for country veterinarian.目的研制一种简便快速检测囊虫抗体的新方法,提供基层单位使用。

9.Available on all big tent structures, our pghtweight integrated ABS sopd walpng system is quick and easy to install.适用于所有大帐篷结构,我们的轻质墙体系统集成的ABS的固体快捷,易于安装。

10.The conference set out a roadmap for negotiations on access and benefit sharing (ABS) of genetic resources to help curb biopiracy.这次大会制定了就遗传资源获取和利益分享进行谈判以遏制生物剽窃的路线图。