


美式发音: [ˈænˌθræks] 英式发音: [ˈænθræks]






1.炭疽(牛羊疾病,人偶得,可致命)a serious disease that affects sheep and cows and sometimes people, and can cause death


n.1.a very serious illness affecting cows and sheep and sometimes people. Anthrax is sometimes used in biological warfare.

1.炭疽 schizophrenia: 精神分裂症 anthrax炭疽热 scarlatina: 猩红热 ...

4.炭疽乐队 Amorpphis 无定型物 Anthrax 炭疽乐队 Anathema 诅咒 ...



1.That's a bunch of mice that had been poisoned by our scientist friends down in Texas, at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax.那是一群被毒害了的老鼠,由处于德克萨斯州的科学家朋友们,用炭疽杆菌下的毒。

2.They reapzed the device they were testing might have apppcations on Earth in detecting anthrax . "It works great. "他们意识到他们正在测试的设备也许可以用于检测地球上的炭疽热病毒。

3.They reapzed the device they were testing might have apppcations on Earth in detecting anthrax .他们意识到他们用来测试的装置可能用在地球上来监测炭疽。

4.This was the beginning of the anthrax scare created byter rorists throughout the USA and the rest of the world.这便是恐怖分子制造的席卷美国和全球的炭疽热恐慌的开始。

5.Included in the medicine chest used for these experiments would have been anthrax, the plague, and brucellosis.在这些实验中使用的药箱本来包括炭疽热,鼠疫,布鲁氏菌病。

6.Article 28. The body of a person who died of plague, cholera or anthrax must be disinfected immediately and cremated at a nearby place.第二十八条患鼠疫、霍乱和炭疽死亡的,必须将尸体立即消毒,就近火化。

7.The conclusion was that the lethal bacteria were naturally occurring and, though closely related to anthrax, not usually as dangerous.由此可以得出一个结理论,虽然这个致死细菌和炭疽菌有很近的亲缘关系,但是它是自然环境下产生的,通常不会有危险。

8.Anthrax is one of the five supremacies zoonosis and is a great harm to stock farming and human's health.炭疽病是五大人畜共患病之一,对畜牧业及人类健康的危害很大。

9.And yet the vast majority of people experiencing anxiety probably had no appreciable risk of exposure to anthrax .然而大多数焦虑不安的民众可能根本没有接触到炭疽菌的危险。

10.When anthrax affects humans, it is usually an occupational hazard of agriculture and wildpfe workers who handle infected animals.在人类之间,有染病之虞的通常是因职业关系要处理受感染动物的农业及野生生物工作者。