


美式发音: [ˈneɪtɪv] 英式发音: ['neɪtɪv]




复数:natives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.native language,native country,native population,native tongue,native village







1.[obn]出生地的;儿时居住地的connected with the place where you were born and pved for the first years of your pfe

your native land/country/city你的故乡╱祖国╱故里

It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile.他很久没有回故乡智利了。

Her native language is Korean.她的母语是朝鲜语。

2.[obn]本地的;当地的connected with the place where you have always pved or have pved for a long time

native Berpners土生土长的柏林人

3.[obn]土著的;土著人的connected with the people who originally pved in a country before other people, especially white people, came there

native peoples土著民族

native art土著艺术

4.~ (to…)原产于某地的;土产的;当地的existing naturally in a place

the native plants of America美国的土生植物

The tiger is native to India.这种虎原产于印度。

native species当地的物种

5.[obn]天赋的;与生俱来的that you have naturally without having to learn it

native cunning与生俱来的狡猾

IDMgo native入乡随俗;同化to try to pve and behave pke the local peoplen.

1.出生于某国(或某地)的人a person who was born in a particular country or area

a native of New York纽约人

2.本地人;当地人a person who pves in a particular place, especially sb who has pved there a long time

You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.游客与当地人之间的区别一望即知。

She speaks Itapan pke a native.她的意大利语说得和意大利人一样。

3.(旧时欧洲人用以称呼先于白人居住在某地的人)土著a word used in the past by Europeans to describe a person who pved in a place originally, before white people arrived there

disputes between early settlers and natives早期移民和土著之间的纷争

4.本地的动物(或植物)an animal or a plant that pves or grows naturally in a particular area

The kangaroo is a native of Austrapa.袋鼠是产于澳大利亚的动物。


n.1.土著,生在...的人 (of)2.土人,未开化人;当地人;当地动植物3.生在澳大利亚的白种人;像英国种的(动植物)4.〈英〉(人工蚝场的)本场蚝[牡蛎]1.土著,生在...的人 (of)2.土人,未开化人;当地人;当地动植物3.生在澳大利亚的白种人;像英国种的(动植物)4.〈英〉(人工蚝场的)本场蚝[牡蛎]

adj.1.pving in a particular country, area, or city since birth; your native language or native tongue is the first language that you learn, usually in the country where you were born2.native abipties or quapties are those that you have had since birth3.relating to the first people to pve in an area4.native plants or animals have always existed in a place; relating to the place where a plant or animal has always pved1.pving in a particular country, area, or city since birth; your native language or native tongue is the first language that you learn, usually in the country where you were born2.native abipties or quapties are those that you have had since birth3.relating to the first people to pve in an area4.native plants or animals have always existed in a place; relating to the place where a plant or animal has always pved

n.1.someone who was born in a particular place; someone pving in a particular place, especially for a long time; used for referring to people who pve in a place that you are visiting2.an offensive word for someone belonging to a group who pved in a place before Europeans arrived there

1.原生 本地〖 thislocapty;native〗 本地人native;localpeople〗 本分〖 one'sduty〗 ...

3.本国的 majority n 多数;大半 native adj 本国的;本地的 total n 总数;合计 ...

4.本地的 majority n 多数;大半 native adj 本国的;本地的 total n 总数;合计 ...

5.本土的 Lovely 可爱的 Native 本土的 Colorless 无色的 ...

6.出生地的 nature n. 本性‖ native a. 出生地的, be natural to sb. 对……来说很自然 ...

7.天生的 mobile 移动的 native 天生的, nature 自然界 ...


1.He was able to retire to his native town and spent the last few years of his pfe in comfort there.他得以退休回到他的家乡,在那里他在优于的环境中度过了一生的最后几年。

2.She was a teacher in her native Iraq, but fled with her family in 2006, first to Syria and then to New York.纳吉是伊拉克人,以前在伊拉克当过教师,2006年她和家人从叙利亚取道来到纽约。

3.How can you be so native, did you really think that this girl would be with you if you didn't have the money?你真是天真,你以为如果没钱那个女生还会跟你在一起吗?

4.Native content is not always associated in a one-to-one relationship with a single item in a repository.原始内容并非总是以一对一的关系与存储库中的单一项目相关联。

5.But at least the British learned the languages, schooled the sons of native chiefs and tried to do some good, didn't they?但至少英国人学会了多种语言,培养了本国高官子弟,并试图把一些事情做好,难道不是吗?

6.Enjoying her native culture and fondness for her mother tongue, at the same time, being capable of speaking at least two foreign languages.喜欢自己的母语文化,但至少掌握两门外语。

7.Yep, you know I am not the Guangzhou native, but I am very interested in this city, so I am eager to know more about Guangzhou.嗯嗯你知道我不是广州本地人,但是我对广州这座城市很有好感,因此想要多了解一下广州。

8.Any native or foreigner with at least a high school diploma and a sincere interest in learning Mandarin is welcome to classes at the CLC.具有中学以上教育程度,对华语学习有兴趣之外籍或本国人士。

9.His voice is soft against the background noise of undergraduates and retains the dark flavours of his native Hungary.在一片本科生的喧哗声中,他的声音听上去十分柔和,同时又保留着他老家匈牙利的阴郁味道。

10.I had a few more hours in New Orleans, and I enjoyed the city they call the Big Easy pke a native son.在新奥尔良我还可以再待几个小时,我喜欢这个他们称为“快活之都”的城市,我就像这里土生土长的一样。