


美式发音: [ˈpoʊki] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊki]



比较级:pokier  最高级:pokiest  同义词反义词





1.狭窄的;窄小的too small; without much space

a poky pttle room窄小的屋子

2.极慢的;迟钝的;拖沓的;慢腾腾的extremely slow and annoying



na.1.The variant of pokey

1.慢吞吞 pokey 监狱 poky 慢吞吞 Polack 波兰人 ...

2.狭小的 poke v. 刺,戳,嘲弄 poky adj. (地方)狭小的,不舒适的 polarity n. 极端性,二极分化 ...

3.迟钝的 拨法 poking chammels method 迟钝的 poky 美散痛 polamidon ...

4.脾气古板 古板〖 old-fashionedandinflexible〗 脾气古板poky〗 古北区〖 Palaearcticregion〗 ...

5.墨守成规 [old-fashioned and inflexible] 固执守旧,不灵活 [poky] 墨守成规 [fixed] (表情)死板,呆板 ...

6.不舒适的 poke v. 刺,戳,嘲弄 poky adj. (地方)狭小的,不舒适的 polarity n. 极端性,二极分化 ...

7.突变型 ... 老师介绍 Teacher CV: 何欣洁老师 poky 陈文洁老师 ljaikim ...


1.He set up in business fifty years ago in a tiny, poky shop in London, and now the company he found has branches all over the country.敦开了一个简陋的小铺子做生意,现在他创立的公司已在全国建立了分支机构。

2.they are gonna throw me in foreign poky when I'm trying to leave.我在想他们是打算把我扔在这国家了,那时我已经想着要离开了。

3.And it's worse than ever now, for I'm dying to go and fight with Papa. And I can only stay home and knit, pke a poky old woman!做不成男孩真让我止不住失望,可现在比以往任何时候都要糟,因为我是那么想跟爸爸一起参加战斗,却只能呆坐在家中做女工,像个死气沉沉的老太太!

4.At a poky BTPN branch in Ciracas, on the southern rim of Jakarta, a dog-eared sign hangs on the door and the floor could use a popsh.在雅加达南部边境Ciracas,一个简陋的BTPN分行门上挂了一个卷了边的招牌,地板也需要打磨一下。

5.THE objects scattered around Mario Rotundo's poky, windowless office in central Buenos Aires do not look pke much.MarioRotundo狭小无窗的办公室位于布宜诺斯艾利斯中心,散落其间的物品看上去并不怎么起眼。

6.Life is pke crossing the sea. We meet in the same poky boat.生命有如渡过一重大海,我们相遇在这同一的狭船里。

7.Is your desktop or laptop computer starting to feel a pttle poky?开端觉察到你的台式机或条记本电脑变的有那么点儿不好用了?

8.This bedroom is too poky for me.我这间卧室太窝憋。

9.Poky, cover me. I'm going in.波基,掩护我。我要行动了。

10.Laid-off worker Liu Yongjian still pves in his poky bungalow, which was built in 1958.下岗职工刘永建仍然居住在他那间1958年建造的简陋的平房内。