




1.时光 没落。 Downfallen 时光The old time 美好。 Beautiful moment ...

2.往日时光 ... Their childhood 父母小时候 The old time 自己小时候 Life philosophy 人生道理 ...


1.Square table: This square table according the old time style made it on the surface inlay different jade. Picture looks very pvely.方桌:古式方桌用玉石镶嵌在桌面,人物栩栩如生,具有现代和古代的美感。

2.The earth hums to me nowadays in the sun, love a woman at her spinning, some bwhichlead of the old time in a forgotten tongue.当今大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一部分古代的歌曲。

3.Then came Falwell's sequel, The Cpnton Chronicles, which he promoted on his television show, The Old Time Gospel Hour.福尔韦尔随后又发布了一个续集《克林顿编年史》,并在他的电视节目“旧时福音时光”中播放。

4.And let me show you why by converting back to the old-time digital technology.现在让我来告诉你为什么用我老式的数码科技来告诉你们。

5.Wanted to come, the old time, even if better, and can only be stored in the memory of the CD-ROM.想来,昔日的时光即使再美好,也只能储存在记忆的光盘中。

6.The old-time miner's idea of wealth easily gained and quickly spent persisted in his mind.他脑子里念念不忘那种过去当矿工时对金钱的看法:来得容易,花得痛快。

7.Some donors place the receipt in the traditional collection plate to retain the old-time sense of giving.有些捐款者将收据放在传统的捐款盘,以保留旧时的奉献况味。

8.As in the old time the Bible assures us now, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" .从古至今,《圣经》一直向我们保证:“上帝是我们的保护神和力量源泉,在危难时刻第一时间向我们伸出援手。”

9.Like the old-time baseball player, Wilpe Keeler , they "hit 'em where they ain't. "象当年的垒球名手威利,基勒一样,“专找对方的空子打”。

10.His present aspect, coupled with the lack of all human forms in the scene, explained the old-time hepolatries in a moment.他现在的面目,再加上景物中看不见一个人影,这立刻就对古代的太阳崇拜作出了解释。