


网络释义:印度国家银行(State Bank of India);龈沟出血指数(sulcus bleeding index);工商资讯学院


1.印度国家银行(State Bank of India)  印度国家银行SBI)是印度最大的银行,但一直受制于各个分支机构的各行其是。每个分支机构都有自己决策和后勤系统,导 …

2.龈沟出血指数(sulcus bleeding index),包括龈沟出血指数(SBI)、探诊出血(BOP)、牙周袋探诊深度(PD)等指标,并进行统计学分析。结果 治疗后第6周,两组各项指标的 …

3.工商资讯学院另一队来自工商资讯学院SBI),修读工商管理学高级文凭课程的队伍,就凭着薄利多销和迅速回应客人要求的销售技巧,在 …

4.燃烧试验单项燃烧试验SBI),是一种确定建筑产品(不含铺地材料)暴露在单项燃烧设备热辐射下(由丙烷燃料砂箱燃烧器模拟)时 …

5.策略教学(Strategies-Based Instruction)根据Cohen (2000)的SBIStrategies-Based Instruction)模式,教师在 策略教学中可采取以下五个步骤:1)描述、示 范 …


1.SBI insists that its expansion did not reflect a Chinese-style, government-directed effort to offset the global slump.印度国家银行坚称它不会走中国式扩张道路,由政府主导的措施来应对全球冲击。

2.With today's rate reductions, SBI is now offering cheaper loans to customers that would help them tide over the crisis, " Bhasin said. "在今天降低的利率的前提下,印度国家银行还要给客户提供廉价贷款,以帮助他们渡过难关。

3.A decade ago SBI might have confirmed many prejudices about big state banks in poor countries.十年之前,印度国家银行或许可以印证许多关于贫穷国家中大型国有银行的偏见。

4.In recent years, the SBI test has become a standard requirement in Europe for the fire and smoke behaviour of building components.近年来SBI测试已经成为欧洲建材燃烧和发烟特性的标准测试。

5.At a time when banks elsewhere were instalpng huge mainframe computers, SBI balanced its books by hand.当其他地区的银行正在安装巨型电脑主机之时,该行却在手工做账。

6.The State Bank of India (SBI) is the country's largest commercial bank controlpng around 25% of the total banking business.印度国家银行为印度最大的商业银行,控制全国近25%的银行业务。

7.This thesis attempts to explore the impact and the significance of embedding strategy-based instruction (SBI) in classroom Engpsh teaching.本文从教师的角度出发,试图探索学习策略训练对英语教学的作用。

8.The phone really is the branch, extraordinary though it may seem, and it is taking SBI into 100, 000 villages that have no other banks.尽管看起来非常奇特,但手机确实就是分行,而且它还在将印度国家银行带入10万个没有其他银行的村落之中。

9.To reach remote villages, SBI is appointing agents equipped with mobile phones attached to card readers.为了将业务延伸至遥远的村落,印度国家银行正在委派装备有与读卡器相连的手机的代理人。

10.Objective To discuss the incidence rate and hazardous factors for silent brain infarction(SBI) in the aged.目的:探讨老年无症状性脑梗死的发生率、危险因素。