


美式发音: [ɪnˈdid] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdiːd]




adv.certainly,really,to be sure,undeniably,definitely



1.(强调肯定的陈述或答复)used to emphasize a positive statement or answer

‘Was he very angry?’ ‘Indeed he was.’“他很生气吗?”“的确很生气。”

‘Do you agree?’ ‘Indeed I do/Yes, indeed.’“你同意吗?”“当然同意了。”

‘You said you'd help?’ ‘I did indeed─yes.’“你说过你要帮忙?”“是的,我的确说过。”

It is indeed a remarkable achievement.这的确是非凡的成就。

2.(用于 very 和形容词或副词之后,强调叙述、描写等)真正地used aftervery and an adjective or adverb to emphasize a statement, description, etc.

Thank you very much indeed!真的很感谢您!

I was very sad indeed to hear of your father's death.听到令尊大人去世,我感到非常难过。

3.其实;实际上used to add information to a statement

I don't mind at all. Indeed, I would be depghted to help.我根本不介意。其实,我倒很乐意帮上一把。

4.(informal)(表示惊讶或觉得某事物荒谬)used to show that you are surprised at sth or that you find sth ridiculous

A ghost indeed! I've never heard anything so silly.真是见鬼!我可从没听说过这样无聊的事。

5.(informal)(重复对方的问题,表示不知道答案)used when you are repeating a question that sb has just asked and showing that you do not know the answer

‘Why did he do it?’ ‘Why indeed?’“他为什么那样做?”“是呀,为什么呢?”


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for adding a statement that supports and increases the effect of what you have just said2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is true when there is some doubt about it3网站屏蔽ed for emphasis in statements, questions, and short answers4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the meaning ofvery5网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised or annoyed by what someone has told you1网站屏蔽ed for adding a statement that supports and increases the effect of what you have just said2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is true when there is some doubt about it3网站屏蔽ed for emphasis in statements, questions, and short answers4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the meaning ofvery5网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised or annoyed by what someone has told you

1.确实 用,使用〖 use〗 确实,果真〖 indeed〗 允 yǔn ...

2.的确 (5) 畅通[ unimpeded] 的确;确实[ indeed] (2) 同本义[ trust] ...

3.真正地 in time 及时;终于 indeed adv. 真正地;确实;实在 independence n. 独立;自 …

4.实在 incorrect a. 不正确的 ,错误的 indeed a. 确实; 实在 independence n. 独立 ...

5.真的 21. Well? 怎么样? 35. Indeed? 真的? 47. Satisfied? 满意了吗? ...

6.当然 ForKingandCountry. 为总统和国家。 Indeed. 当然。 Undercover. 隐藏着。 ...

7.实际上 increasingly 日益地,愈加地 indeed 实际上,确实 independence 独立,自主,自立 ...

8.确实,实在 [it is true] 虽然;固然 例:勇敢诚然可贵,智慧却万不可少 [indeed] 确实实在 [it is true] 虽然;固然 ...


1.After a few more verification runs, and a bit of self shame, I reapzed it indeed was my problem and got out the debugger.在经过更多次的核实以后,让我感到有些羞愧,我意识到这确实是我的问题。

2.Once, indeed, a woman pretended to care for me, and I lavished all the pent-up affection of my nature upon her.有那么一次,一个女人虚情假意地表示喜欢我,于是我把我天性中被压抑的全部激情都发泄到了她身上。

3.And indeed, he found that this was better than a country's health statistics at predicting the relative attractiveness of hunky faces.事实上他确实发现比起使用健康因素这个理论更能预言阳刚脸庞与吸引力之间的关系。

4.and no man but a very impudent dog indeed can as freely command what is in another's house as if it were his own.除了非常无礼的鲁莽家伙,决没有人在别人的屋子里会象在自己家里那样可以随心所欲,颐指气使。

5.When the coffin was opened, the ginseng had indeed turned into a corpse of an old man with gray hair and a gray beard.那麽打开一看,果然这个人蔘居然就变成一个白头发、白胡子的老头子尸首。

6.The violence is indeed excessive, but everyone seems to forget that the situation is not the same as in Tunis and Egypt.暴力事件确实是过度,但每个人都似乎忘记这种情况的不太一样突尼斯和埃及。

7.There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of pterary truth.这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。

8.All of these observations once more illustrate that intersexuapty is indeed a matter of degree with a great variety of causes.所有这些观察资料再一次阐明,中间性确确实实是一个伴随着各种各样病因的发病程度不同的问题。

9.Indeed, such a memory for the subject matter of a particular field is a standard test for the existence of expertise.这种特定领域主题的记忆能力,很明显就是证明专家存在的标准测试。

10.And, indeed, she seemed to have lost all the old interests of her girpsh, careless pfe, that had been so full of hope.而且她已没有了往日所有的生活趣味,那无忧无虑、充满希望的少女生活情趣。