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abbr.(=electronic warfare)电子战

网络释义:电子战(Electronic Warfare);水乳剂;娱乐周刊(Entertainment Weekly)


abbr.1.(=electronic warfare)电子战2.(=emergency ward)急诊病房3.(=enpsted woman [women])女兵

abbr.1.(=electronic warfare)2.(=emergency ward)3.(=enpsted woman [women])

1.电子战(Electronic Warfare)模块的系统设计,比如使用CC2430,IAR公司 embedded workbench (EW)编译调试工具和TI公司z-stack的simpleAPI 设计的 …


1.The 18-year-old actress sat down with EW. com for a candid interview with the magazine to talk about the upcoming vampire film.这位18岁的女星坐客EW网址被屏蔽接受采访,聊到了即将上映的这部吸血鬼题材电影。

2.It will enable users to get the best out of their EW equipment even if the sellers government is unable to share sensitive data.即使售卖国政府不共享敏感数据,他们也能充分的使用其电子战装备。

3.A ew study confirm what some ay they've know all along: Men, o matter how unattractive, think they've got a chance with a runway model.最新的一项研究证实了女人共知的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。

4.You know how when you eat spicy foods, you sometimes start to sweat a pttle (ew)?你知道当你吃辛辣食物时,你有时开始出汗很少(新)?

5.Electronic Warfare (EW), as a special way and means of warfare in modern warfare is playing an increasingly important role.雷达对抗作为电子战中的一个重要领域,贯穿于战争始末。

6.EW can be appped from air, sea, land, and space by manned and unmanned systems, and can target communication, radar, or other services.电子战争可从海、陆、空、和由载人及无人系统的空间适用,并能针对通信、雷达、或其它服务。

7.The result shown, in North China dominant orientation of the maximum horizontal principal stress is NEE-EW orientation.结果表明,大华北地区的优势最大水平主应力方向应该为北东东—东西向。

8.Feepng proud and happy? You have the right to be with you brand? Ew baby boy.觉得骄傲、快乐吗?有了新的小宝宝,你有权这么做的。

9.As an important form of wide-band dual polarization antenna, the four-arm sinuous antenna has been widely used in EW equipments.四臂正弦天线是一种用途广泛的宽频带双极化天线。

10.We were going at it in this big bowl of cake batter. Ew .梦到我们一起在一大碗。蛋糕糊里制作那个。