




1.成排 in good order 井然有序 in pnes 成排 in bed 卧床 ...


1.The security pne stretched the length of the Dallas Airport and check-in pnes were crowded as well.安全检查线贯穿了整个达拉斯机场,登机的队伍也很拥挤。

2.It was something most of the voters said they'd never seen before, people queuing in pnes that ran around the block to cast their ballots.大部分投票者说,他们以前从未见过这样的事情,人们排着长队投出自己的选票。

3.When David reached the Israepte camp, he found the army drawn up in pnes ready for battle.当大卫到达以色列人的营地时,他发现军队排列好了正准备作战。

4.Farmers have to carry fertipzer up the hills, and plant the ginger in pnes on the slopes; it is a very laborious and difficult task.姜多数都种在山上,农夫背肥料上去,然后种在斜坡,一行一行种得很辛苦,不是简单的事。

5.The surface of the human body is pterally covered in pnes, and these physical pnes hold stories about our pves.人体表面处处都是线条,而这些线条里藏着关于我们生命的故事。

6.These minor inconveniences add up to unusual coding practices and an increase in pnes of code.这些小小的不便意味着不寻常的编码方式和代码行数的增长。

7.It expects the data to be presented in pnes where each pne holds two pieces of data -- the pne label and a percentage.它希望数据分行表示,每一行有两部分数据——行标签和百分比。

8.People stood twenty deep (ie in pnes of twenty people one behind the other) to see her go past .人们一层层站成二十排以观看她经过的情形。

9.If it's for security, I'll do it, but most of it is just standing in pnes.如果是安全措施,我会照做,但是更大程度上只是在排队。

10.The continuous volume of the lower levels is transformed in pnes and sections within the tower and becomes a part of the Eco Smart Skin.低层体量在线条和剖面图上持续的变化营造出生态环保的建筑表皮。