

column:[英 [ˈkɒləm] 美 [ˈkɑ:ləm] ]



column 基本解释

名词专栏; 圆柱; 纵队,列

column 相关例句


1. column在线翻译

1. Can you add up this column of figures?



2. The dome was supported by nine columns.


column 网络解释

1. 行:显示窗口(Display Window)是实际LCD 面板的大小,而工作窗口(ActiveWindow)是在实际的显示窗口 (Display Window) 内设定比显示窗口小的 子窗口,通常 REG[40h]、面板上的每一像素(Pixel)数据,RA8803 最大可支持到 320 行(Column)x240 列(Row)的 LCD 面板,

2. 柱:1、在三维显示状态下,用拉伸(Stretch)、延伸(Extend)命令,将柱墙底部与下层连接上;2、用测距(Dist)命令,仔细量测图形的实际层高,并按实际层高设置楼层列表中的层高;网格荷载的边可以是线(Line)、梁(Beam)、柱(Column)、弧梁(ArcBeam),

3. column:col; 列,柱

column 双语例句

1. III. silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common picrite etc.


2. Ex Lind1. Methods: The chemical compositions of volatile oil of the plant which were obtained by steam distillation with hexane were analyzed by GC-MS equipped with a elastic quartz capillary column-HP-5MS5% Phenyl Methyl Siloxane (30 m× 0.25 mm ×0.25 μm).

利用有机溶剂-水蒸气蒸馏法提取挥发油,用气相色谱-质谱联用进行测定,色谱柱为HP-5MS5%Phenyl Methyl Siloxane(30m×0.25mm×0.25μm)弹性石英毛细管柱,结合计算机检索技术对分离的化合物进行结构鉴定,应用色谱峰面积归一化法计算各成分的相对百分含量。

3. A thermal column constitutes an obstacle for the wind. There is a lee side to it.


4. It consists of FIA system, semiconductor thermostat, immobilized enzyme reaction column, thermal sensor and data collection module.


5. According to the hydrothermal activity models developed in recent years, the rules of the rising height and heat flux of the thermal column were systematically considered.


6. Basic formulation of contact thermal resistance is presented in this paper, Contact thermal deformation of vertical column and spindle box of machine|tools is researched in FEAM.


7. Due to the formation of the chemical bonds between the coating layer and the inner wall of the capillary, the thermal stability of the column was greatly increased.


8. SortOrder string Defines the column sort order, can only be `asc` or `desc`.



9. For example, if you select only the cells of one column, the sort affects that column only, while the others remain unchanged.


10. SubLoop – Boolean, 1=This missile will repeat a specific sequence as long as enough range is left, 0=This missile will play it's animation normally (as defined in the LoopAnim column).

SubLoop –布尔型,1=投射物将尽可能久的重复指定的序列。0=投射物将只正常的运行自己的动画

11. The purity and high-purity nitrogen generator is one of the main products of the company, which mostly adopts one/two column and common-flow/reverse-flow expansion process.


12. column

12. Major equipment: vertical milling machine lifts B1-400K, vertical milling machine lifts X5042, saddle lathe CW6280C, ordinary lathe CW6163C, ordinary moments Taiwan horizontal axis plane grinder M7130H, Universal Grinder M131W, several significant horizontal Xitang Chuang TX6113C, lying Xitang Chuang-DPx6111B, radial drilling machine 3050 x16, Chachuang B5032, Shaper BY60100A, Frame Planer, sheet metal bending machine pressure WC67Y-100, hydraulic tilting cutting plate machine QC12Y-12, open dumping of double-column presses J23-63, etc.


13. column

13. Column chromatography, coupling between fermentation and foam separation, and expand bed adsorption were discussed.

摘 要:对纳豆激酶的生产和分离纯化技术进行了综述,重点讨论了柱层析、发酵与泡载分离耦合和膨胀床吸附等分离方法,提出了将反胶团和磁性高分子微球等新型分离技术应用于纳豆激酶的分离以提高其纯度和产率,指出了纳豆激酶有望开发成一种新一代理想的溶栓剂,具有广阔的应用前景。

14. This is the purpose of the 1st Article horizontal column of the passport.


15. column的近义词

15. I didn't have time to read the whole article—just the first column.


16. The teacher asked the students to read the newspaper from first column to the last.


17. The total of the figures in the first column should balance with the total of those in the third.


18. column

18. I didn't have time to read the whole article — just the first column.


19. So I just asked my daughter to learn the left column of words list in lesson 51 this evening.



20. Methods: The sample that pass through handled to be abstracted twice by acetonitrile, evaporate the organic phase to dryness following defecated through the Na2SO4, cleaned-up by norm alhexalle, then analysed by HPLC (C18 column) with a gradient system of methanol-water as a mobile phase.

经处理过的样品用乙腈提取两次,将乙腈过无水硫酸钠层后挥千乙腈,正己烷洗涤净化,经过净化后进行高效液相色谱仪测定(C18柱),本方法以甲醇、水为流动相梯度洗脱,柱温35℃,在波长275 nm处测定。

column 词典解释

1. 柱;圆形石柱;纪念柱

A column is a tall, often decorated cylinder of stone which is built to honour someone or forms part of a building.

e.g. ...a London landmark, Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.


2. 柱状物

A column is something that has a tall narrow shape.

e.g. The explosion sent a column of smoke thousands of feet into the air.


3. (人或动物排成的)队,纵行

A column is a group of people or animals which moves in a long line.

e.g. There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets.


4. (字典、报纸或图表的)栏

On a printed page such as a page of a dictionary, newspaper, or printed chart, a column is one of two or more vertical sections which are read downwards.

e.g. We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures...


e.g. In The Dictionary of Quotations, there are no fewer than one and a half columns devoted to 'kiss'.


5. (报纸或杂志的)专栏

In a newspaper or magazine, a column is a section that is always written by the same person or is always about the same topic.

e.g. His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers...


e.g. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement.


6. see also: agony column;gossip column;personal column;spinal column;steering column

column 单语例句

1. Which brings us to Jaycee Chan and his attempt to gain some column inches by coming up with controversial statements.

2. Huabiao refers to a type of ceremonial column often erected in front of palaces and last weekend the pillars of China's film industry were recognized.

3. The report points out that the damage that a column suffered from " external forces " triggered a chain reaction that finally caused the collapse.

4. The soldiers made no attempt to check the damage inflicted on the Iraqi column.

5. Mr Liang Hongfu's January 17 column about Hong Kong citizens gaining more civility proved an exciting read.

6. I raised the importance of implementing medium class teaching in Hong Kong secondary schools at this column last month.

7. Chiao found the bullet had penetrated Leung's spinal column and two ribs, not the collarbone.

8. On the same day, the " Interactive County Mayor " column was started.

9. I remember a column I read sometime ago written by a woman editor lamenting that men still dominate the top echelons of many news organizations.

10. One of my least appreciated wines was the 2010 Red Rock sauvignon blanc, though regular readers of this column will know I dislike the grape variety.

column的翻译column 英英释义



1. (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure

Synonym: pillar

2. a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument)

Synonym: pillar

3. a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography

a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands

Synonym: chromatography column

4. any tubular or pillar-like supporting structure in the body

5. a page or text that is vertically divided

e.g. the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject

the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns

6. an article giving opinions or perspectives

Synonym: editorialnewspaper column

7. a line of units following one after another

8. a vertical array of numbers or other information

e.g. he added a column of numbers

9. anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower

e.g. the test tube held a column of white powder

a tower of dust rose above the horizon

a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite

Synonym: towerpillar