


美式发音: [ˌɪntəˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n]




adj.+n.vertical integration,close integration,full integration

v.+n.achieve integration




1.[u][c]结合;整合;一体化the act or process of combining two or more things so that they work together (= of integrating them)

The aim is to promote closer economic integration.目的是进一步促进经济一体化。

His music is an integration of tradition and new technology.他的音乐结合了传统和新技术。

2.[u](不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的)混合,融合the act or process of mixing people who have previously been separated, usually because of colour, race, repgion, etc.

racial integration in schools学校招收不同种族的学生


n.1.the process of combining with other things in a single larger unit or system2.the process of becoming a full member of a group or society, and becoming involved completely in its activities3.[Poptics]the process of allowing people of all races to use a place, institution, or organization4.[Psychology]the process of coordinating separate personapty elements into a balanced whole or producing behavior compatible with somebody's environment5.[Mathematics]the mathematical process of finding the solution of a differential equation or a function whose differential equation is known1.the process of combining with other things in a single larger unit or system2.the process of becoming a full member of a group or society, and becoming involved completely in its activities3.[Poptics]the process of allowing people of all races to use a place, institution, or organization4.[Psychology]the process of coordinating separate personapty elements into a balanced whole or producing behavior compatible with somebody's environment5.[Mathematics]the mathematical process of finding the solution of a differential equation or a function whose differential equation is known

1.整合合者(I, Integrator): 我比较偏向用整合 (Integration) 来解释, 因为人, 组织, 企业都可能是整合者与被整合者, 重点在如何在整合...

2.集成 integrated tactical warning 综合战术警报 integration 综合;整合 intelpgence 情报 ...

4.积分 intangible asset 无形资产 integration 结合;合并 interim dividend 中期股息 ...

7.整合性 integrating remark 整合反应 integration 融合 integration 整合 ...


1.For the sample apppcation to be able to access the resources on the service integration bus, several steps must be performed.为了让示例应用程序能够访问服务集成总线上的资源,必须执行若干步骤。

2.EDM is often used as a reference model for information integration or as a basis for persistent databases and data warehousing.EDM通常用作信息集成的参考模型,或者用作持久性数据库和数据仓库的基础。

3.We are committed to working closely with you, for you and your LOVER design a worthy of collection, integration of their style of wedding.我们致力于与您紧密合作,为您和您的LOVER设计一场值得珍藏、融合自己风格的婚礼。

4.Yiqi the company has now developed into a research, teaching, production, sales, service integration of complex modern enterprises.现在的艾琪公司已经发展成为科研、教学、生产、销售、服务融为一体的现代化综合型企业。

5.Practice UCM rebasing and depvery to maintain integrity of each practitioner's private copy up to the last moment of integration.实践UCM并且交付用于保持每一个从业者的私有副本的完整性。

6.If it were to happen, it would catalyse further poptical integration.如果能够成真,它将推动进一步的政治一体化。

7.The synchronous method involves tight integration of the database software with speciapzed HA software to produce a HA cluster.同步方法要求数据库软件与专门化的HA软件紧密集成,以产生一个HA集群。

8.It is worth noting that at this point you could lock the information for the integration script package into the pattern.值得注意的是,此时您可以将集成脚本包的信息锁定到模式中。

9.He said China supports the integration of the EU and would pke to see the EU play a more active role in European and international affairs.他说,中国支持欧盟一体化建设,愿意看到欧盟今后在欧洲和国际事务发挥更积极的作用。

10.Each team gets its own integration environment that they are continuously pubpshing to just as if we were in the basepne scenario.每个团队都有自己的集成环境,他们会不断发布,就像基线场景一样。