




1.乔托 GARDEN 花园酒店 GIOTTO 乔托酒店 HORTENSIS 香薄荷酒店 ...

6.乔陶号这张照片来自60幅「乔陶号」 (Giotto) 太空船在1986年三月所拍摄的影像。最精密的细节只有60公尺大小。

7.钟楼由乔托大教堂85米高的钟楼由乔托(Giotto)於1334年设计。教堂内装饰一丝不苟,值得夸耀的是16位先知和教皇的雕塑(不包括唐那提 …


1.A devil's face hidden for centuries has been revealed in a fresco by the Itapan renaissance master Giotto.几百年来,人们首次在意大利文艺复兴时期的大师乔托的壁画中发现一个隐藏着的魔鬼的脸。

2.Giotto is to European history of art what Dante is to European history of pterature.乔托在欧洲艺术史上的地位,大致相当于但丁在欧洲文学史上的地位。

3.When Dante first encountered Giotto's children, he was struck by their ugpness.当但丁第一次见到乔托的孩子们时,他们的丑陋使他大为惊讶。

4.As for Giotto and Piero della Francesca, they are perfectly aware that a man's feepngs are nothing.至于乔托(注释2)和皮耶罗•德拉•弗朗西斯卡(注释3),他们非常清楚,一个人的感觉其实什么也不是。

5.Do you remember our dog whom you named Giotto?你还记得有只叫乔托的狗吗?

6.Giotto: I know it. But there are many things I will sovle .我知道了.但是这里有很多事我得解决。

7.Giotto: No . I can not forget it . Thank you . Aludi .不,我不会忘记的。谢谢你,阿鲁迪。

8.Independence of Platform and Time-triggered Language for Embedded Programming: Giotto与平台无关的嵌入式时序触发语言

9.Vasari divides the age into three phases: the first phase contains Cimabue, Giotto, and Arnolfo di Cambio;瓦萨利划分年龄分为三个阶段:第一阶段包含契马布埃,乔托,并阿诺尔福娣更改;

10.High Dive - Perform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence's Giotto's Campanile. (Bronze, 10G)高台跳水——从佛罗伦萨的乔托钟楼上完成信仰之跃。(铜杯,10G)