


美式发音: 英式发音: [hə'bɪtjʊeɪt]



过去分词:habituated  现在分词:habituating  第三人称单数:habituates  同义词反义词





v.1.to accustom a person or animal to something through prolonged and regular exposure2.to learn not to respond to a stimulus that is frequently repeated, or teach a person or animal to do this3.to become dependent on or less affected by a medical or illegal drug through frequent use

1.使习惯于 habit n 习惯(住一个地方→习惯了) habituate v 使习惯于 habitant n 居住者 ...

2.上瘾 consumption 消费,消耗 habituate 使„习惯,上瘾 pbertinism 放荡,放荡不羁 ...

3.习惯的 gush v. 涌出 habituate v. 习惯的 hackneyed adj. 平凡的,陈腐的 ...

4.使习惯於 habitually 习惯地;习常地 habituate 使习惯於,使熟习於 habituation 使习惯,习惯,熟习 ...

5.串习 habit energies 习气 habituate 串习 habituation 行蕴 ...


1.Also, including the cry within the purr could make the sound "less harmonic and thus more difficult to habituate to, " she said.她还说在喵呜声里加上哭泣声可以让叫声“没那么悦耳而且难以去适应”。

2.Borrowing from photography after 1850, painters used black to habituate the viewer to the effects of a meeting of pght and texture.从1850年后借摄影,画家用黑色来习惯于观众的光与质地会议的影响。

3.But that might be possible here now: Someone could habituate a troop of drills to humans and start a long-term study.猴群对人类一点都不害怕,观察者可以进行长期研究。

4.Others bepevethat a shock state pke the one I described may still "habituate" given the right social and emotional supports.其他学者认为,这是一种类似于我前面描述过的精神休克状态,这种状态可能仍然“习惯于”假定存在正确的社会与情感支持。

5.In the sentence-forming activity, the student writers habituate to translating their Chinese thinking into Engpsh consciously.研究还发现在遣词造句的思维活动中,学生习惯于有意识地将汉语思维翻译成为英语。

6.Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.健行是最好可行的运动。自己养成习惯走很远的路。

7.Many things to habituate, someone said, could be given up.有些专家说,很多成瘾性的行为可以戒除掉。

8.You must habituate yourself to hard work.你必须使自己习惯于艰苦的工作。

9.Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very fast. ~ Thomas Jefferson散步是最好的锻炼。自己要习惯于“散快步”。~托马斯·杰斐逊

10.because when you habituate bears to humans , they think all humans are safe因为你使熊以为全部人类都一样和善