




1.被吞噬的女子 (1989) 血溅加拉曼 RUNAWAY 被吞噬的女子 OUT OF THE DESERT 浪人 VAGABAND ...

2.被吞噬的男子 ... 血溅加拉曼 RUNAWAY 被吞噬的男子 OUT OF THE DESERT 浪人 VAGABAND ...


1.To do that, you've got to actually transport them thousands of miles out of the desert.要做到这一点,你需要把这些从沙漠运到几千英里之外的另一个地方。

2.Though they were running out of food and drink, the men were still confident that they could get out of the desert soon.他们虽然已经水尽粮绝,但还是深信他们很快就会走出沙漠的。

3.You'll see odd, wavy plants growing out of the desert that look as if they belong underwater.你将在沙漠中看到破浪形状的植物,它们就好像生长在水中。

4.He had great confidence in his own sense of direction. He held up a flag and led the students out of the desert.对自己的方向感很有信心,他举起旗帜,带领学生走出沙漠。

5.With air raids and rocket fire from an unassailable distance, the regime's forces drove the rebels out of the desert.在来自射程之外的火箭炮和空军袭击之下,卡扎非的军队将叛军赶出沙漠。

6.In the end, wrenching themselves free from the hands of death, the expedition walked out of the desert tenaciously.终于,探险队顽强地走出了沙漠,挣脱了死神之手。

7.How you came out of the desert.还告诉我你怎样逃出沙漠

8.The Na Zhi ran out of the desert ostrich, the first one to eat crabs, so one day become a hero.而那只跑出沙漠的鸵鸟,吃了第一个螃蟹,于是有一天成了英雄。

9.They'd better get the hell out of the desert, the US and die.他们他妈的最好给我滚出沙漠,美国人去死。

10.Las Vegas was built out of the desert.拉斯维加斯建在沙漠中