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网络释义:尿道综合征;聚焦超声外科学(Focused Ultrasound Surgery);透析器首次使用综合征(first-use syndrome)



1.尿道综合征  女性尿道综合征(FUS)是指下尿路刺激症状,而无膀胱尿道器质性病变的一组症候群[1]。临床症状表现为尿频、尿急、耻骨上不 …

2.聚焦超声外科学(Focused Ultrasound Surgery)  何:“热疗抗癌”,用我们业内的话来说,应是“FUSFocused Ultrasound Surgery)抗癌技术”,是一种不开刀的肿瘤切除技术 …

3.透析器首次使用综合征(first-use syndrome)肾衰竭患者咨询:透析器首次使用综合征(FUS)是怎么回事?应用血液透析治疗尿毒症脑病要注意哪些问题?


1.Yes, a handsome dowry is something the Fus surely expected: a nice sum of silver, a few rolls of silk, and perhaps a cow or two.当然,付家会期待一份漂亮的嫁妆,包括一套好银器,几匹绸缎,或者再加上一两头牛。

2.However stand so as a while, also pedal the Hou pving ed to round a view so much in other pfe Fus on the square 1 time.不过就站了这么一阵子,也被侯在广场上的其他命妇好生围观了一遍。

3.The molecular genetic relationship with frontotemporal lobar degeneration with FUS pathology remains to be clarified.而额颞叶退化和FUS病理的分子遗传关系还需要阐明。

4.Thank you for your continued cooperation in UL's FUS Sample testing.感谢您为您在ULFUS样本测试的继续合作。

5.SuperFetch also includes specific scenario support for hibernation, standby, Fast User Switching (FUS), and apppcation launch.SuperFetch还包含了对休眠、待机、快速用户切换(FUS)和应用程序启动的特定场景支持。

6.No problem there. But there was still more Matchmaker Li needed to offer the Fus.这些都没有问题了,不过李媒婆向付家提供的还要更多。

7.Granular and compact FUS deposits were identified in gpa and neuronal cytoplasm and nuclei.在神经胶质和神经元细胞质和细胞核中发现有颗粒状致密的FUS沉积。

8.Lingbo was the Fus' only son, their only hope to continue the family pne.林波是付家唯一的儿子,也是他们家唯一的延续香火的希望。

9.The Fus were becoming increasingly persuaded that Wang Xiaomei was a pretty good bet.付家正在逐渐被劝服,认为王小梅是个很好的人选。

10.Immunohistochemical findings prompted us to sequence the fused in sarcoma (FUS) gene.免疫组化结果也促使我们对肉瘤融合(FUS)基因进行排序。