




1.全球价值链不是供应炼(Supply Chain)的概念,而是全球价值炼(Global Value Chain)的概念,每一家公司一定要有创造自己价值的全球位 …

5.全球产业价值链理分布呈现“大区域离散和小地理集聚”的特征, 形成全球产业价值链Global Value Chain)。

6.全球价值练已不是供应练(Supply Chain)概念,而是全球价值练(Global Value chain)的概念,每一家公司一定要有创造自己价值的全球位置, …


1.The local industrial cluster is usually the result of the fragmentation of the global value chain.地方产业集群一般是全球价值链片断化的结果。

2.and garment enterprises such as the garment industry OEM manufacturers are often at the bottom of the global value chain, margins are thin.而且这些服装企业作为OEM生产商往往处在服装业全球价值链的底端,利润微薄。

3.After that, this paper goes on to provide an entry mode choice model based on the global value chain.以此为基础,本文继而提出基于全球价值链的进入模式选择模型。

4.By helping them to match their expertise with British companies, we hope to help both to win business in the global value chain.通过将他们与英国公司连线,我们希望帮助他们在全球价值链中取得先机。

5.The governors of textile and apparel global value chain are often in the position of designing and marketing, reaping much value-added.纺织服装产业集群的价值链治理者常常处于设计和营销环节,获得了大量的附加价值。

6.Global Value Chain Theory provides us with a new perspective to re-examine the upgrading and development of industrial clusters road.全球价值链理论为我们提供一个全新视角来重新审视产业集群的升级发展之路。

7.Both marginal cost curve and marginal income curve determine the degree of fragment and spatial reorganization of global value chain.边际成本曲线和边际收益曲线的移动共同决定了价值环节片断化和空间重组的程度,即决定着全球价值链的形成程度。

8.The evolution of the global value chain of home apppance industry has showed two trends as location variation and pnk variation.家电全球价值链的演变,呈现出区位变化与环节变化两大趋势。

9.However, the cheap and poor-leveled products made China always in the end of the global value chain.但中国制造业产品在国际市场上价格廉、档次低,在产业价值链中处于末端。

10.In the end, this paper makes a further general study of Chinese local industrial clusters upgrading under the global value chain.最后,在此基础上将对全球价值链下的中国地方产业集群升级进行共性研究。