




1.阻塞队列阻塞队列Blocking queue)提供了可阻塞的put和take方法,它们与可定时的offer和poll是等价的。如果Queue已经满了,put …

2.阻塞队列里用一个阻塞队列里(Blocking Queue)来存储线程池的所有空闲线程。不用为每个任务都创建一个新的线程,可以把任务当参数传 …


1.For those unfamipar with the concept of a blocking queue, it is essentially a FIFO data structure, with a twist.假如不熟悉阻塞队列概念,它实质上就是一种带有一点扭曲的FIFO数据结构。

2.The external interface resembles that of the blocking queue, as the code in Listing 13 shows.这种队列的外部接口与阻塞队列相似,见清单13。

3.The Javadoc for the BlockingQueue interface demonstrates the basic usage of a blocking queue, as shown in Listing 2.BlockingQueue接口的Javadoc给出了阻塞队列的基本用法,如清单2所示。

4.This queue type is similar to a concurrent blocking queue except that the size of the queue is bounded.这种队列与并发阻塞队列相似,但是对队列的大小有限制。

5.In a blocking queue, only the reader thread needs to wait when there is no data in the queue.对于阻塞队列,只有读线程需要在队列中没有数据时等待。

6.In a bounded blocking queue, the writer thread also needs to wait if the queue is full.对于有大小限制的阻塞队列,如果队列满了,写线程也需要等待。

7.Methods that would use an internal blocking queue to pass objects between threads.方法,它们将使用一个内部阻断队列在线程之间传送对象。

8.Listing 7 shows the modified version of the pop operation for the blocking queue.清单7给出阻塞队列的pop操作定义。

9.Listing 6 shows a method that waits on a blocking queue until an item is available, regardless of whether it is interrupted.清单6展示了一个方法,该方法等待一个阻塞队列,直到队列中出现一个可用项目,而不管它是否被中断。

10.Here are a couple of the finer aspects of the concurrent blocking queue design并发阻塞队列设计有两个要注意的方面