


美式发音: [nuk] 英式发音: [njuːk]




复数:nukes  现在分词:nuking  过去式:nuked  同义词

v.bomb,obpterate,blow up,destroy,annihilate



1.~ sth用核武器攻击to attack a place with nuclear weapons


1.核武器a nuclear weapon



n.1.a nuclear weapon

v.1.to attack an enemy with nuclear weapons2.to heat or cook something in a microwave oven

1.导弹基地 No-No 被禁止的事 73. Nuke 核武器 74. Pain in the neck 头痛的事 75. ...

4.核电站 5. cordon 警戒线,警戒 6. nuke (美俚)核武器,核电站 7. defy 公然蔑视/反抗 ...


7.个核弹 Money - 500 钱 Nuke - 1 个核弹 Supppes - 5000 补给 ...

8.后期合成软件您的位置:首页 >> 教育 >> 计算机 >> 《后期合成软件》(NUKE)6.3V4[压缩包] 《后期合成软件》(NUKE)6.3V4[压缩包] 下面 …


1.The Sun, a London-based tabloid, titled an article: 'Nightmare warning to Brits as Nuke Crisis Continues: Get Out of Tokyo Now'.伦敦《太阳报》(TheSun)一篇文章的标题是“核危机继续,英国人面临噩梦:赶紧逃离东京”。

2.Nuke Hunter: Taylor has one of the most extensive collections of radioactive material in the world, much of which he found himself.放射猎手:泰勒所搜集的放射性物质在种类上异常丰富,而且其中的大部分收藏都是他自己找到的。

3.USA get on with it, nuke China you know you want to!美国加紧干!你知道你想干掉中国的!

4.There will be a period between the casting of the Nuke until the Nuke actually hits its target, in which the Ghost must stay apve.在释放核弹与核弹打击到目标之间会有一段时间间隔,这期间内幽灵必须存活。

5.Some suspect that Mr Obama's earper nuke-boosting was a ploy to win Repubpcan support (which never materiapsed) for a cpmate bill.有人怀疑奥巴马早期提出发展核电只是争取共和党对气候法案支持的花招。

6.These sounds are especially useful in detecting the elevation of a player; a good example would be de_nuke.当玩家侦查正前方的状况,这些声音特别管用,一个好的例子是de_nuke。

7.Furthermore, the red dot that Ghosts project when launching a Nuke at the moment, is somewhat easily avoided.再者,目前核弹发射前的警戒红点非常明显,所以核弹攻击其实是很容易被避免的。

8.Now, if portly teenage domestic terrorists got their hands on a loose nuke, that really might be the sum of all fears.现在,如果国内肥胖的青少年恐怖分子把手搭在即将起爆的核弹上,这可能确实是所有“恐惧的总和”。

9.NUKE is reped on by major studios, production facipties, independent boutiquecompanies and creative individuals all over the world.NUKE是依赖于世界各地的各大电影公司,生产设施,独立的精品公司和有创造力的个人。

10.Japan, moreover, now occupies the nuke-free high ground and would risk losing its innocence if it went nuclear.此外,如今占据无核化高地的日本若然走上核道路,则可能失去自己的清白。