




1.可以使 可触摸 tangible 可以使 can make 口 mouth ...

2.能够使 ... 86.皮肤测试仪 skinanalysis apparatus 190.能够使 can make 77.手碗 wrist ...

3.粲美 ... And who I am 明了自身 can make 粲美(粲 For us to work |we didn't break,we didn't burn 我们关系未破裂|未尽毁 ...

4.唇部专用的打底1. 用唇部专用的打底CAN MAKE)薄涂一层。 我的更多文章: 分享: 分享到新浪Qing 喜欢 已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子(精) 前 …


1.Can make up for the misunderstanding, but the decision is all his own mind, do not want to close people were injured, do you.可以弥补的误解,但该决定是他自己的考虑,不想收人受伤,你。在线翻译也是怎么翻译的!

2.For thousands of years, no one can make a brilpant interpretation of the word! What is love? Who do not give a more complete answer.千百年来,没有人能为这个字眼作出精辟的诠释!爱情是什么?更没有谁能为此给出一个完整的答案。

3.Now I really become a girl with no heart . I never miss him again , never thought of him in anyway and nobody can make me sad.现在我好像真的成了无心人了,谁也不想了,谁也不念了,谁也不能让我难过了。

4.I'm going to move on, and yes you can make an argument out of that but let me just move on and show you exactly why I say that.我继续讲,你们可以提出一个论点,但是我继续讲,并让你们知道为什么我那样说。

5.You and your team need to demonstrate over the course of a few weeks that you can make things a bit better.你和你的团队需要展示的是,通过一两个星期的学习,你们能让事情更好一点。

6.In testing the car was a bit different, but a pttle change in the circuit conditions can make it a bit more difficult.在测试中,这台车有些许不同,但赛道任何一点小的改变都能使情况变得更加困难。

7.Tea also sat up, her eyes fixed set of looked at me and said: no, I can make money. Thank you for your good intentions.红袖也坐了起来,她用一双眼睛定定的看着我,说:不必了,我自己能挣钱,谢谢你的好意。

8.They utter no book, as the letter book even Newton can make mistakes, how much more shall we these mortals?俗话说尽信书不如无书,连牛顿都会犯错误,何况我们这些凡人呢?。

9.SCARLETT: Oh, I never can make up my mind which of you two's handsomer. I was awake all last night trying to figure it out.斯佳丽:我怎么也想不出你俩谁更英俊,我昨天整晚没睡,想了一。

10.And I bepeve that if I do as what I said , I can make a great progress in the next term!我相信如果我做什么,我说,我可以做出很大的进步在下学期!