


美式发音: [ɪnˈtjuɪtɪvlɪ] 英式发音: [ɪn'tju:ɪtɪvlɪ]




adv.+v.understand intuitively,intuitively know

adv.instinctively,automatically,by instinct,spontaneously,naturally



1.直觉地 notion: 概念 intuitively直觉地 verbally: 用言语 ...

2.直观地 circumscribe 外接圆 intuitively 直观地 heed 注意 ...

3.直觉的 encrypt v. 加密,译成密码 intuitively a 直觉的 mapcious a. 环恶意的,恶毒的 ...

4.直觉地,本能地 ... intuitively ad. directly 直觉地,本能地 memorable a. worth remembering 值得纪念的;难忘的 ...

5.直觉上 Cathode 阴极 Intuitively 直观的 Infrared 红外的 ...

7.凭直觉 eccentric prestressing,concentric prestress 偏心预应力,轴心预应力 Intuitively, 凭直觉, moment,bending moment 弯矩 ...


1.Do what you intuitively do on the inside to allow yourself to be ready to receive the gifts you wish.由你的直觉指引你去做应作的,容许自己接受你渴望已久的礼物。

2.So it is sort of intuitively pleasing for me that the stiffness of the material is related to the speed of sound.对我来说,很直观的,物质的坚硬度,和声速有关系。

3.Intuitively , I decided to charge at once, break through the enemy pnes and force our way toward the battapon as quickly as possible.没有时间去思索,我马上决定突破敌人的战线,强行打开一条通向我们营的通道并且尽可能快地抵达自己人那边。

4.It was supposed to be an intuitively easy-to-use desktop computer environment.它被认为是一个直观且易于使用的台式电脑环境。

5.A good many of us, I'm sure a good many of us here, intuitively react that this sort of commentary tends to miss the mark.我们当中有许多人,我肯定今天在场的许多人的直觉反应就是,这些批评往往是文不对题的。

6.Football has always been a simple, intuitively understood game, with exceptions to that few and far between.足球一直是一种项简单的、可以直观理解的比赛,但是有零星的例外。

7.Few systems are so intuitively easy to use that their users do not require some training.只有非常少的系统是如此地直观和简单,以至于它们的用户不需要培训就能够使用。

8.He was also something of an empath, intuitively alert, it would seem, to what was going on behind those faces.他亦是一位伟大的神使,似乎能够直觉地洞察那些面孔之下的心理状态。

9.We've ended up with a simple set of tools that enable you to create physically convincing track intuitively and efficiently.我们最终做出了一套简单的工具,可以让你直观并有效地创建出真实的轨道。

10.He had been a miner for so long, that he could intuitively locate the coal and loosen it with a single swing of a pick-axe.他做矿工的时间太久了,以至于他可以凭直觉找到煤矿并用十字镐的一次简单回转把它敲松。