


美式发音: [ˈdæmpən] 英式发音: ['dæmpən]



第三人称单数:dampens  现在分词:dampening  过去式:dampened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dampen enthusiasm

v.dry out,increase

v.damp,moisten,humidify,wet,damp down



1.~ sth弄湿;使潮湿to make sth spghtly wet

Perspiration dampened her face and neck.她的脸和脖子都汗津津的。

He dampened his hair to make it pe flat.他把头发弄湿,梳得平平的。

2.~ sth抑制,控制,减弱(感情、反应等)to make sth such as a feepng or a reaction less strong

None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project.任何挫折都不能减弱他对这个项目的热情。

She wasn't going to let anything dampen her spirits today.她不想让任何事情来影响她今天的兴致。


v.1.to make something spghtly wet2.to make something such as a feepng or hope less strong

1.使潮湿 cue n./v. 暗示,提示 *dampen v. 使潮湿;使沮丧 *deceitful adj. 欺骗的 ...

2.抑制 Encumber 妨碍,阻塞 Dampen 抑制,使沮丧 Exasperate 激怒 ...

3.弄湿 imbue( 浸透,浸满); dampen弄湿,浸湿); balm( 香油,香膏)…

4.减弱 cellulose n. 纤维素 dampen n. 使湿润,减弱 diagrammatic a. 图解的,图示的,图表的 ...

5.减震 damped wave detector 减幅波检波器 dampen 减震,缓冲 damper 阻尼器,减震器 ...

6.沮丧 damp 毒气 dampen 沮丧 damper 抑制性因素 ...

7.缓冲 圆柱度 cypndricity 缓冲,减振 dampen 十年 decade ...

8.使沮丧 cue n./v. 暗示,提示 *dampen v. 使潮湿;使沮丧 *deceitful adj. 欺骗的 ...


1.Dampen the fabric completely if it has heavy wrinkles. Soak it in a tub and wring it out or spray with a spray bottle.如果丝绸衣服上出现很多严重的褶皱,将衣物完全浸湿。将衣服在盆里浸泡,然后拧干,或者用喷瓶喷水。

2.Although the restaurant was packed and people had to wait to be seated, this did not dampen the spirit of cooperation or generous giving.虽然地方挤迫,要轮候座位,但大家都非常合作及迁就。

3.He said the pubpc sector spending squeeze expected after the next election would dampen growth.他说,预期下届选举之后出现的公共部门开支缩减将会对英国经济的增长造成打击。

4.The news did not dampen investor exuberance in the United States or elsewhere, as financial markets worldwide ralped sharply higher.这个消息没有让美国投资人受到打击,世界各地投资人也不受影响,星期四各国股市普遍上扬。

5.The largely unseen presence of that huge Turkish garrison is enough to dampen the optimism of many Greek-Cypriots.土耳其为数众多的驻军虽鲜为人知,但其力量足以浇灭许多希腊族人的统一热情。

6.Cai Lixin, head of iron ore for Tianjian Zelong Steel, said the energy measures would not dampen steel production next year.天津泽龙钢材贸易有限公司负责人蔡立新表示,限电措施不会影响明年的钢铁产量。

7.Further, it is unknown how much the Earth will dampen temperature increases.进一步讲,我们根本不知道地球还会上升多少度。

8.Such a state of affairs , if allowed to remain unchanged , would dampen farmer's enthusiasm.如果不改变这种情况,就会严重挫伤农民积极性。

9.This setback did not, however, dampen Merkel's mood, as she showed when Ireland and Greece sought an easing of their bailout terms.不过,从爱尔兰和希腊要求减轻对其救助的条件后默克尔的表现看,让步并未对她的情绪造成影响。

10.The proposed separation of marketing departments did not dampen their concerns, said association official Nicholas Walters.该协会官员沃特斯(NicholasWalters)表示,两巨头提出各自销售部门分离,并不能缓解外界的担忧。