




1.良信 华通 FATO 良信 Nader 伊顿 EATON ...

2.内德 ... Mussopni, 墨索里尼,163 Nader,Ralph, 拉尔夫·奈德尔,19,172 Nagel,Thomas, 托马斯·奈格尔,108…

4.纳德尔先生微),MICRONE(南京微盟电子),AEM科技,上海良信电器NADER),南通江海电容(江海),盾防雷器(DEHN),松川 …



1.Democrats said they do not expect Nader, who also ran as an independent in 2004, to have much of an impact.民主党表示他的参选不会造成多大影响,纳德在2004年也曾以独立候选人身份参选。

2.This was not, as you might suppose, a satire but what Mr Nader called "an exercise in practical Utopianism" .你也许认为这是一部讽刺作品,其实不是,纳德称本书是“现实的乌托邦”。

3.And she said, "Oh no! Just dis everybody, except Ralph Nader. "她说:“不!随意藐视任何人,除了拉尔夫纳德(RalphNader)。”

4.Nader said he expects to do better this time and will work to get his name on the ballot in all 50 states.纳德预计其今年参选的成绩会有改善,将致力于在各个州都赢得一些选票。

5.And finally, most important, if Ralph Nader had not run in Florida and captured over 97, 000 votes, Gore would have won easily.而最后最重要的是如果拉尔夫·纳德没有出现在佛罗里达州并捕获了97,000张选票,戈尔将赢得很容易。

6.Arriving earper yesterday in havana, Nader was warmly welcomed AT the airport by Alarcon, chairman of Cuban NATional Assembly.纳德昨天稍早前抵达哈瓦那时,曾在机场受到古巴国会议长阿拉康的热烈欢迎。

7.There had been many significant consumer crusades before Nader.在内德之前,已经有了很多重要的消费者维权运动。

8."Markets may be taking a breather after four straight days of gains, " said Nader Naeimi, of AMP Capital Investors.“市场可能在连涨4天后稍事休息,”AMPCapitalInvestors的纳德•纳艾米(NaderNaeimi)表示。

9.The lead author was Nader Fergany, encountered earper in this report berating the Americans as "the new Mongols" of the Middle East.报道的主要作者纳尔迪•菲尔加尼在此报道中前部分严厉的斥责美国,出言不逊地称其为中东地区的“新蒙古人”。

10.Nader went on to investigate and expose other varieties of corporate abuse.内德继续调查并揭露其他各类公司的弊端劣迹。