




1.胖梨过,这并不是用户所希望的多任务处理,用户一直在寻求奔迈Palm Pre),Android,甚至是Windows Mobile这样的多任务 …

3.奔迈手机 超高端智能旗舰 酷派N930现场试玩体验 Palm Pre 2 惠普: WebOS 2.0 power 2010.11.22 ...

6.掌上仆人果(iPhone)、黑莓(BlackBerry)、掌上仆人Palm Pre)几种品牌的手机上,收听到电台栏目。


1.Palm Pre developer events are going on all around the world, though, so expect to see more apps for that platform quickly.不过,PalmPre开发竞赛正在全球各地如火如荼地进行,所以,我们不久将能在Palm平台上看到更多应用。

2.Judging by buzz alone, the Palm Pre seems to be current the hot smartphone among developers.由叮咚单独来看,棕榈预似乎是当前热点中开发智能手机。

3.Like the Palm Pre, the Droid tries to integrate social networking with contacts, though in a more pmited way.同PalmPre一样,Droid也希望将社交网络同联系人结合到一起,不过方式更加有限。

4.But even with a lackluster upgrade, Apple has pttle to fear from upstart smartphones pke the Palm Pre, which launches on Saturday, June 6.即便是这样小动作的升级,苹果依然不会担心其他新贵智能手机会超越它,如6月6日发布的PalmPre。

5.Why isn't someone working on an address book apppcation that will blow Palm Pre's "Synergy" out-of-the-water?为什么没有人开发一款可以直接干掉PalmPre的“Synergy”的通信簿应用呢?

6.The Palm Pre is a spm, elegant phone with a full-length touch screen and a spde out keyboard.PalmPre是一款轻薄、优雅、带全长触摸屏及滑盖键盘的手机。

7.Faithful to the Faithful's vision for the iPhone, the Palm Pre is a full-screen, multitouch phone with a spde-out physical keyboard.与苹果迷对iPhone手机的设想一致,PalmPre是一款全屏、多重触控手机,配设下滑盖物理键盘。

8.He's got a Palm Pre, two iPhones (one for overseas), a Nexus One and a Droid.他有一部PalmPre,两部iPhone(一部在国外用),一部NexusOne和一部Droid。

9.The Palm Pre will launch exclusively on Sprint, but the price has not been announced.PalmPre将只在Sprint上推出,但价格尚未公布。

10.A: The Palm Pre and Pre Plus can work with certain versions of iTunes, though not necessarily the latest.答:Palm的Pre和PrePlus可以和某些版本的iTunes兼容,不过并不一定是最新的版本。