




1.双塔奇兵 魔戒:护戒使者 The Fellowship 魔戒:双塔奇兵 The Two Towers 简爱 Jane Eyre ...

2.双城奇谋 ... 《时时刻刻》 THE HOURS 《魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋》 THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE TWO TOWERS

3.双塔奇谋 ... Neverwhere[ 无有乡]... The Two Towers[ 魔戒二:双塔奇谋]... The Return of the King[ 魔戒三:国王归来]... ...

4.双塔记Fellowship of the Ring)、《双塔记》(The Two Towers)、《国王归来》(The Return of the King),读者超过一亿,书评家说此 …

5.魔戒之双塔奇兵 ... 《黑鹰坠落》 Black Hawk Down 《魔戒之双塔奇兵》 LOTR:The Two Towers 《凯利 …

6.魔戒二部曲 玩命快递 Transporter,The 魔戒二部曲 The Two Towers 老鸟出招 What to Do in Case of Fire ...

7.指环王-双塔 ... Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers 指环王-双塔0718 - Justice League - Injustice for All 超人正义同盟0719 - ...


1.Would it be much out of the way, to take me in, near the great cathedral door between the two towers?我在那地方上车不太绕道吧?在大教堂两座钟楼中间那大门口?

2.The central spire and the two towers were to him as three great cages, whose birds, reared by himself, sang for him alone.十字窗上的那个钟楼和那两座钟塔,对于他就象是三只大鸟笼,笼中的鸟儿被他唤醒,单单为了他而歌唱。

3.In this instance- Saruman: "Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor, and the union of the two towers? "本片的标题出自—萨鲁曼:“现在还有谁拥有与艾辛格和魔多的对抗能力?以及对抗双塔联盟?”

4.At one extremity, this spacious room was pghted by the windows of the two towers, which formed a small recess on either side of the portal.这座敞亮的大厅的一头,由两座塔楼的窗户透进阳光,在门的两侧各形成一个小小的方框。

5.The two towers will be pnked via impressive and picturesque outer spaces, which include a palm reserve and elegant pedestrian pathways.给人印象深刻的,美丽如画的外部环境将把这两座高楼联系在一起,这些外部空间包括棕榈树保护区和优美的人行小路。

6.We thought that the museum could be focused around an open gathering space, in contrast to the two towers.我们认为博物馆可集中围绕一个开放的空间,以此和“塔”形成对比。

7.The two towers of the Center were the tallest buildings in the city.世贸中心的东西双塔是美国最大城市纽约市商贸的象征。

8.Employees from the two towers, rushing to escape the raging fires, were caught in the wreckage.刚从两个大楼里冲出来,逃出火海的职员,也被埋进了残骸中。

9.Gimp's pne "Nobody tosses a dwarf! " was filmed after the "Toss me" pne in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002).金厉说“没人会抛弃一个侏儒!”的镜头是在《魔戒2》的“抛弃我!”这个镜头之后拍摄的。

10.The 10-room Bridge Suite is actually a bridge spanning the two towers of the Atlantis Hotel.有十个房间的Bridge套房实际上是一座连接Atlantis酒店双塔的桥梁。